Parents' Rights Now!

August 6, BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! What the @*#$%? is the Gender Variant UNIVERSE?

Suzanne Gallagher Season 2 Episode 134

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Don't miss the second annual Safe Schools Summit, August 6, Sheraton Hotel, Portland Airport! 

Get Connected, Get Empowered, and Get Motivated. K-12 Education is the heart of our nation, and we are fighting for it! 

Our friend and partner, Rebecca Friedrichs, producer of Whose Children Are They? will share the truth about the Teachers Union takeover, and how to stop it!  You will learn how to fire up your local community, run an initiative campaign, recruit candidates, run for school board, land lobby your representatives. Registration information coming this week.

Black Lives Matter at School

The Gender Variant Universe, Christopher F. Rufo

A consortium of publicly funded nonprofits wants to "decolonize gender" and normalize male genitalia as a form of authentic womanhood.

Transgender activism has been making inroads into America’s public institutions. The Biden administration has recently promoted neo-pronouns and gender reassignment surgery for minors, government agencies have celebrated the expansion of identity categories such as “pansexual” and “non-binary,” and public schools across the country have adopted curricula teaching students about transitioning from one gender to another. Trans activists often present their ideological program through a series of euphemisms and tautologies, such as “gender diversity,” “LGBTQ inclusion,” “love is love,” “protect trans kids,” and “comprehensive sexual education.” But these slogans obscure more than they reveal. The deeper nature of trans ideology is much much more radical and the public should have a clear-eyed understanding of what trans activists believe, beyond the protective layer of obfuscatory language....

Though this kind of ideology might appear to be the work of a fringe minority, it is becoming increasingly mainstream in activist and educational institutions. The host organizations for the “Decolonizing Gender” presentations have been remarkably successful in securing taxpayer funding and gaining access to children through educational and social service programs. TRACTION conducts education programs for transgender-identifying youth and has received funding from Washington State. Gender Justice League has received funding from King County and runs a housing program for transgender-identifying homeless minors. The Lavender Rights Project and Black Trans Task Force provide legal

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