Parents' Rights Now!


Suzanne Gallagher Season 2 Episode 136

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Most states have adopted standards which include these basic provisions: Medically Accurate, Healthy, and Age Appropriate. We have found these standards are not followed by most CSE curriculums. Healthy is inaccurately defined, encompassing questionable medical treatments for mental health issues without parental permission. Medical accuracy is a subjective and often underrated requirement often lacking in the whole picture.   Because Age-appropriateness can only be determined best by parents, these lessons should only be offered by written parent permission. 

Senate Bill 818 added personal health and safety education standards in K-5, and made comprehensive health education more inclusive in grades 6-12.  School districts do not have to adopt the voluntary standards unless they are teaching comprehensive sexual health education. Parents can choose to opt out.

Course material and instruction help students learn about concepts like consent. It develops  self-advocacy skills for effective communication with parents or guardians, health and social service professionals, other trusted adults and peers about health and relationships. The Illinois State Board of Education developed and adopted these new voluntary learning standards.
The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to affirming that sexuality is a natural and healthy part of life. SIECUS develops, collects, and disseminates information, promotes comprehensive education about sexuality, and advocates the right of individuals to make responsible sexual choices.[1] It is acknowledged as the institutional voice of these concerns and a pioneer of the comprehensive sex education program.[2]

Planned Parenthood is behind all of the efforts to embed K-12 Sexuality Education in Public School. 

SIECUS, based in Washington, D.C. was founded in 1964 by Mary Calderone, medical director at Planned Parenthood, to challenge the American Social Hygiene Association's sex education program.

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