Parents' Rights Now!

Comprehensive Sexuality Education, PART 4: SEX ED FOR SOCIAL CHANGE-SIECUS & SEPAC

Suzanne Gallagher Season 1 Episode 36

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SIECUS asserts that sex education is a powerful vehicle for social change. We view sexuality as a fundamental part of being human, one worthy of dignity and respect. We advocate for the rights of all people to accurate information, comprehensive sexuality education, and the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health services.


SIECUS envisions an equitable nation, where all people receive comprehensive sexuality education and quality sexual and reproductive health services affirming their identities, thereby allowing them to access and enjoy sexual and reproductive freedom, as they define it for themselves.


  • SIECUS recognizes that good sexual and reproductive health is a human right.
  • SIECUS advances comprehensive sexuality education as a means of building a foundation for a long-term culture shift that will positively impact all levels of society, particularly issues of gender and racial equity, sexuality, sexual and reproductive health, consent, personal safety, and autonomy.
  • SIECUS commits to working to dismantle the systems of power and oppression which perpetuate disparate sexual and reproductive health outcomes and incubate stigma and shame around sex and sexuality across the intersections of age, race, size, gender, gender identity and expression, class, sexual orientation, and ability.
  • SIECUS applies an intersectional lens to ensure people’s real lived experiences inform our policy, education, and strategic communications work.

Planned Parenthood is closely aligned with SIECUS is implementing the education piece in public schools. There is money in for them to encourage young girls to experiment with sex.
Led by SIECUS, the Sex Education Policy Action Council (SEPAC) is a coalition of organizations, statewide coalitions, state agencies, and school districts from 24 states that are working to advance sex education that is comprehensive.

They believe advancing sexuality education public policy is more important now than ever, as reproductive health care and LGBTQ communities are under increasing attack.  

“Sex education offers a comprehensive policy solution to teach young people about bodily autonomy, consent, reproductive decision-making, healthy relationships, and LGBTQ tolerance and inclusion.” 

SEPAC is expected to grow to include members in all fifty states, the District of Columbia and eventually the US territories, providing SIECUS with an invaluable opportunity to monitor and affect state legislation.

Program Goals 

Members of SEPAC will help shape a common narrative to advance comprehensive sex education policy, engage with policymakers seeking to advance and pass sex education legislation, educate federal congressional members on the need for comprehensive sex education, and create a model for expanding comprehensive sex education policy across the country. 

As you can see, public education is highly involved as “partners” with SIECUS in this national plan to promote sexual freedom and healthcare rights. In fact public education is the key government

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