Course Creation Bites

1.13 Nail your course welcome

August 03, 2020 Sam Winch Season 1 Episode 13

Show Notes:

Do you put much thought into the welcome section of your course platform?  Why is it so important?  In this episode, we look at the humble welcome screen, what it should include, and discuss why it’s actually a key marketing tool for your course.   Your welcome section should include:

  • Immediate automated response to a sale
  • Instructions on how to access the content
  • Preselling: a reward for taking action
  • Support details
  • A warm welcome video
  • Somewhere to connect (optional)
  • Offer “Accountability Buddies” (optional)

Action Step:

Look at how you are currently welcoming your students.  When they click the buy button, what happens next?  Would you be happy receiving that welcome? Apply welcome section strategies.

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