Course Creation Bites

1.18 Three Keys to Launching Your Online Course

September 14, 2020 Sam Winch Season 1 Episode 18

 Show Notes:

Welcome to my first Course Creation Bites Podcast takeover episode with special guest Caroline Partridge!

Caroline Partridge is the founder of Social Strategy Mum and is a launch strategist and mindset coach for mum in business looking to achieve the business impact and income they really want.  She is also the host of the Juggling Motherhood and Online Business Podcast.

Check out  @socialstrategymum on FB and IG

FB group Juggling Motherhood and Online Business 


Action Step:

Get out a pen, have a think, and answer these questions:

  • What is the outcome you're delivering?
  • Who is it for?
  • Why should they buy?

Connect with Sam Winch About Your Online Course:

Content Into Courses Facebook Group


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Or connect on socials. Simply look for samwinch... no one else is silly enough to be named after a lunchtime food.