Course Creation Bites

2.10 Using a lead magnet to promote your course

Sam Winch Season 2 Episode 10

Show Notes:

In this episode Mel Daniels talks to us about using a lead magnet to promote your course. 

Mel Daniels is a Content Strategist and Coach who loves to understand ‘why’. Even past her toddler years, she always asked why. She wanted to understand why things worked like they did, why people acted a certain way and why she was the only one who loved peanut butter and sultana sandwiches. Her curiosity has lead her on an interesting life journey from academic achiever to corporate leader, mum extraordinaire and now business owner.

Mel’s purpose is to teach and empower women who want more from their business, on how to use content in a genuine way. She gives them the confidence they need to become more visible, seen as the expert that they are and inspired to take their business to the next level. When she’s not talking about content and client journeys, you will find Mel cheering on her clients from the side-lines. Her other favourite hangouts are the kitchen and gym. Luckily her love of dead-lifting counteracts the amount of baking she consumes. Kind of. 

You can find more of Mel here:

Meld Business Services



 And check out some of her great content here:

The Un-boring ideal client avatar

Step by step guide to lead magnet creation

How to create a lead magnet that grows your email list

Action Step:

Brainstorm possible ideas for your next lead magnet.  It needs to be actionable, it needs to speak to your ideal client's challenges and what they think their problem is right now; and it needs to logically lead into your course. 

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Content Into Courses Facebook Group


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