Course Creation Bites

2.22 Selling your online course

Sam Winch Season 2 Episode 22

Show Notes:

This week’s podcast is the third in the series about sales, and is about what you can do to make a sale.   

There are many strategies that you can use online - some better than others - but I want to focus on some important ones that we can use to ensure that your sales strategies are genuine and honest and grounded in good faith. 

1.       Learning the difference between features and benefits.  A feature is an aspect of a course – it might have 6 modules or 9 videos.   A benefit is something a buyer ‘gets’ after finishing the course or the outcome.    Both are important, and both should be included on your sales page. 

2.       A sales page that sells.  Do some research and learn how to make a sales page sell – good copywriting is really important.  

3.       Clear pricing.   Confusion with pricing will stop people from purchasing. 

4.        Clear Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).   You can use the FAQ to ask the questions that you want people to ask and to answer the questions that they have already asked. 

 Action Steps:

Reflect on your sales page.  Is it converting for you?   Do you have clear features and benefits? Do you have clear pricing and FAQs?    Do you know your stats?  It is really important to know your stats to know where you can improve.   

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