Course Creation Bites

3.1 Behind the scenes Course Review

July 19, 2021 Sam Winch Season 3 Episode 1

Show Notes:

This season we are going to move away from the theoretical and look instead at what people are doing in the industry, courses that I have loved, what is working and also some course reviews that I am working on with clients currently.   

Today I’m going to take you behind the scenes and give you an insight into a course review.  

The client that I am working with in this example is moving from the platform Elucidat to Kajabi.  Elucidat is a program that focuses on slide by slide activity & is often used for corporate training.  When moving to Kajabi, a lot of time had to be spent combining bite sized chunks of information together to make more robust lessons.  

This is an important thought – how long can your student focus and concentrate for and how big should a “bite” be?   The truth is that when we want to we can concentrate for far more than 30 seconds and so if you have good content that your students are interested in, then you can make the slide bigger and a more effective and clear presentation of information.  

The other major thing that needed to be worked on with this course was adding more action steps.   There was some brilliant content that gave some great insights into the industry, but there was nothing that allowed the student to use the information in a real-life situation.   Using action steps within a course gives students the opportunity to apply learnings and ask questions in the learning environment to ensure they are clear on the process. 

Action Steps:

Apply what you have learnt here today to your current program.  The first thing I want you to do is really think about whether you have action steps for every piece of content you share.   (Season 1 has some great tips on developing action steps).  The second thing I want you to do is look at the length of your lessons and consider if they are the right size.  Have you got too much?  Have you got too little?  Where can you pull two random parts together so you have one more robust lesson rather than two tiny bite size pieces?  

If you haven’t created your course already, keep them in mind because they will definitely help in the future.

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