Course Creation Bites

3.10 Will online courses replace traditional courses?

Sam Winch Season 3 Episode 10

Show Notes:

The question I have been asked is – Will online courses replace traditional, classroom style classes? – and the answer is no.   Online courses are not the death of traditional courses and I believe will not replace face to face learning.  They are not the same. 

This is because:

  • While you can teach technique online, you cannot correct/influence technique online. 
  • You can’t provide  the interaction & support that a classroom does, online.

While I don’t expect online courses to replace face to face learning, I do expect to see more online blended learning going forward – a combination of online and face to face learning.  

Action Steps:

Think about how you would deliver the course face to face, and how you can bring some of those elements across to your online course.   Would you have an opportunity for students to ask questions at the end?  Would you get people to do an icebreaker at the beginning of the course?  How would you bring some of the great aspects of face to face training to your online course?

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