Talk Your Way Up

Assertive Series Part 2 - Handling Compliments

Vikas and Harith Season 2 Episode 12

Most of us grow up fearing and avoiding conflict with others. Sometimes the perception of others becomes much more essential than our own perception of ourselves. That mindset can truly be kryptonite for effective communication. It can hinder us from expressing our wants and needs and often leaves us agitated and depressed. 

But at the same time, we should be wary and considerate of other people's wants and needs while expressing our own. That's where being assertive comes in. It's a communication style and a skill that can be mastered so we can lead a liberating life without worrying much about expressing our opinions while not hurting those around us. It's truly a life-changing gift for those who have ingrained it. 

In part 2, we explore the nuances of receiving and giving complements. We talk about how uncomfortable it can get and simple ways to handle such situations in an assertive manner.

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