The Amaiz Podcast

Business under Lockdown - Carla Watkins Business & Brand Photography

Amaiz Business Season 3 Episode 10

“The fantastic adventure of running a business.”

Carla Watkins is a brand and photographer specialist, who relishes the freedom of being self-employed. She’d built a quartet of businesses before the effects of the pandemic hit them all in 2020.  

Carla chatted to us about her various businesses, how she’s built them up and developed their messaging. She believes her photography business in particular will become more important as the pandemic recedes. Here’s hoping for a boom in photography soon!

Grateful for the external support her companies have been eligible for, Carla highlights the issues that have faced new and small companies through the crisis. For instance, the last year has seen online payment is becoming far more comfortable for many customers, which makes things a lot easier for small businesses.  

Cautiously optimistic about COVID-19 recovery, Carla sees a changed landscape emerging, with a continued shift towards supporting small and local businesses, while online commerce diversifies.