Dr. Matthew Kathan Cofounder of Timber Dental and Cofounder Aligned Integrations
Helping Healthcare Scale
Helping Healthcare Scale
Dr. Matthew Kathan Cofounder of Timber Dental and Cofounder Aligned Integrations
Nov 09, 2020

Dr. Matthew Kathan is the cofounder of Timber Dental and the cofounder Aligned Integrations.

Over the past four years Dr. Kathan has opened four dental locations in the Portland area and has over 50 employees. He is expecting to open four more de novo sites in the next year.

Since covid, Dr. Kathan works almost completely virtually, spending half his time at the coast and working less hours than ever before. The key to his success is similar to the compound effect: putting in all the hard work and savings upfront to create the life he envisioned.

Learn how Dr. Kathan blended his personal and professional life together in addition to his sacrifices to achieve a level of success anyone can be proud of.

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