Ken Kaufman CFO of Community Dental Partners
Helping Healthcare Scale
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Helping Healthcare Scale
Ken Kaufman CFO of Community Dental Partners
Nov 17, 2020
Austin Hair & Nathan Palmer - Real Estate Developers

Ken Kaufman, CFO of Community Dental Partners, has a resume filled with impressive accomplishments. 

Ken put himself through school by starting his own business in the financial markets, but that business faded quickly because he failed to learn the needs of his customer.  He pivoted into a startup organization where he quickly climbed the ladder before getting started in his career as chief financial officer.

We chat about how his greatest influences, his dad and his Mission President, helped shape who he is today. In addition, we talk as well what to look for in site selection and some operational tips for maximizing business.

Listen along to hear his story and get inspired.

Book Recommendation: The Goal

To contact Ken for questions about working with Community Dental, email

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