Dr. White serves as the president and CEO of PepperPointe Partnerships, which currently serves more than 90 dental locations and more than 100 doctors.
Additionally, he co-founded the company that invented the world’s top-selling custom breast prosthesis for post-mastectomy breast cancer survivors.
He tells his story of how he started as a farm boy in west Tennessee before deciding to drive 300 miles to enroll in college. From there, his life took a series of turns he could never have predicted which lead him to where he is today.
Dr. White shares how sticking true to his values has shaped his business and his life.
Book recommendations: Playing to Win (a strategy book) by Lafley and Martin, Beyond Entrepreneurship by Collins and Lazier, Good to Great, How to Be a Great Boss and Traction.
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Commercial Real Estate Secrets is ranked in the top 50 podcasts on real estate
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Commercial Real Estate Secrets is ranked in the top 50 podcasts on real estate