What You Should Read
What You Should Read
You Should Read: Something. ANYTHING!
Hi, Should-heads! We've got a confession: for the first time, we're all reading less frequently than usual. While the amount of books read is not a referendum on our worth as people, readers or podcasters, it's still a marked change from our usual habits. And whether it's for good reasons or bad, it's still different. So we discuss what we're (not) reading and what we hope to finish before the end of the year. Recommendations welcome!
Look for the books mentioned in this episode on Libro.fm by using our affiliate link. When you buy using this link, you are supporting the podcast! AND if you use our code WYSR at checkout you can get your first two books for the price of one. Check out our recommendations here: https://libro.fm/playlists/2450
Discussion links:
Authors, advocacy group wants fair terms for libraries
Our next book club book: Meredith, Alone (Claire Alexander)
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