Enneagram in Real Life

Programming Note

October 04, 2022 Season 2 Episode 13

We've got some incredible episodes coming up! But this week, we're taking a little fall break.

If you have any favorite business owners, podcasters, or creators you'd love to hear on the show, shoot me a DM at @ninetypesco, or send them in here: https://ninetypes.co/contact

We'll be back next week with a brand new episode. Happy October!

Schedule a consultation to learn more about booking an Enneagram training for your team! All trainings are led by Stephanie Barron Hall (M.A. Organizational Communication & Leadership, Chestnut Paes Enneagram Certified, Integrative9 Accredited Enneagram Professional). https://ninetypes.co 


Hello and welcome back to another episode of Enneagram in Real Life. And you might have noticed by the length of this episode that today's episode is not a full one. So, today we actually don't have a new episode coming to you because of, some technical difficulties. However, I just wanna share that I'm really excited about the upcoming episodes that we are going to be sharing. Very soon. So we'll be back next week and we'll be talking to Enneagram 4, Grizelle Caminas. And then we also have author Amanda White who wrote the book Not Drinking Tonight, which is one of my favorites of the year, and definitely one that I think you'll love as well. And we also are talking to any Graham five and leadership coach and former corporate executive Kelly Thompson, who will be talking with us about. Her journey as a five and her book Closing the Confidence Gap, which is available for order next month. And yes, I've already read it and I loved it. So I really hope that you will stay tuned, Stick around, come back next week for some new episodes. But if you have just recently joined the podcast and haven't really listened to the back catalog yet, um, maybe take a second this week and find one that you really like. I have recently been hearing from listeners who've been loving the episodes with my friend and Enneagram eight Amanda Steed, So be sure to check that one out. And if you have any favorite, you know, business owners or coaches, therapists, people that you know who love the Enneagram, especially if they, they're fours or fives, let me know. and I would love to interview them. So you can shoot me a DM on Instagram with your recommendations at nine Types Co. And hope you have a great week. See you next time.

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