OWN IT The Confidence Podcast

#100 Corona in the family

Annica Torneryd Season 1 Episode 100

Life and death in perspective. Someone told me not to share that we have Corona in my family, because it may lead to people not wanting to get close, we may have problems after, and other brutal things. But you know what... we have done nothing wrong. Someone in the family has this stupid virus. Very mild symptoms, if any at all. Could hardly believe the test result. The kids HAD to get tested as several students in the class were positive. For the past 10 days we've been in house quarantine, with one child locked inside a room. OK, not "locked" with key, but separated from the rest of us. It has NOT been fun. Not fun at all. To the point that it made me revalue life and death. If you can live, but no longer hold your child.... do you care that much about living? Or are you willing to sacrifice it so you can hold your child? Only a parent can answer that question. For me, I went from wanting to live forever, "knowing" that I'll live forever and feeling very strong, to thinking "if I can't hold her, then I'm ready to go". That's not to be dramatic, it's how I feel. But then I had a conversation this morning, 1 hour and 41 minutes, with a friend who has terminal cancer and recently got really bad news about her situation. When she shared her thoughts, again, my whole outlook on life and death changed. Of course I want to live!!! I want to be healthy and alive for a long time. Hearing the real and raw brutality of what my friend has to face as daily challenges and thoughts to stand up to, compared to challenges and difficulties those of us are healthy have to deal with, well, it truly made me feel that I will NEVER EVER EVER complain about things or feel sorry for myself. Never. I will take any and all challenges, come what may, and I will face them with all my bravery, and be very grateful for as long as I am healthy. I wish you all strong health. Take good care of yourself!