OWN IT The Confidence Podcast

#105 Do it NOW!

Annica Torneryd Season 2 Episode 105

Strange... I had everything lined out to create, plan, record and release a new podcast episode every week. I rrrrreeeeally wanted to, I've been waiting and waiting and collecting stories to share with you. But then... life happened. You know: conferences, evening activities, work, plowing through more episodes of the series I've become addicted to on Amazon Prime (almost at the end of season 3 and then I think it's over). Note to self: do not start watching any other series. Gosh, what a waste of time! Yes, I enjoy it while I watch it, of course. But the ROI of my time invested leaving butt prints on the sofa is not higher than the footprints I want to leave in this world. So, after The Good Doctor is over, no more series for me. This episode is about taking action, doing it NOW. That little thing you keep pushing off, or part of a bigger project. Those 100 situps before bed. Writing that hour you promised yourself. Taking time for self-care, meditate, do the yoga-yoga. Call your parents. Play with your kids. Hang the laundry. Clean up the mess in one kitchen drawer. Make that post on social media. Send that offer. Call that client lead. Just do it!! Do it NOW! I hope this episode inspires someone out there to go and do that one thing NOW. Let me know!! I'd love to share it with the other listeners :)