Hi, and welcome to Fadó! An audio adventure into Fiction, Folklore, and Fairy Tales. I’m Jon, your host, and thanks for dropping in! Join me each week and let me read you stories from all over the world, and from all throughout time! Myths and Monsters, Fairies and Folklore, Heroes and Villains! There's no telling where we'll go next! If you're having fun, subscribe! And if you want to support me further, find me on Facebook, Instagram and also on Patreon! Leave me comments and reviews, and share Fadó with friends! I can't wait to hear from you! https://linktr.ee/fadopodcast
Fadó 113 - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Jon C. Cook
Season 3
Episode 113
Send me comments or questions!
Happy Halloween! This is Robert Louis Stevenson's 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in it's entirety, originally published in 1886!
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