To Life! The Hope Behind the Headlines
Myles Weiss explores religious, cultural, and political trends that affect us in our quest for meaning and positive personal destiny. Drawing on his 30 years as a licensed Marriage and Family therapist, you will laugh, cry and wonder about life… “is there more than this…?”
To Life! The Hope Behind the Headlines
Samaritan’s Purse is Open! - Myles interviews Greg Mervich
Myles Weiss
Episode 130
In this episode, Myles speaks with his friend of 40 years about the journey of faith that led Greg to his current position. He’s a husband, father, grandfather and minister of the Gospel with a unique calling to relieve those in trauma from natural disasters. Greg’s story highlights the reality that God has good plans for you, whatever your stage in life. Working with Franklin Graham, God has deployed Greg from Georgia to California, from Alaska to Turkey, seeing lives touched with the love of Yeshua / Jesus.
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