PodCTL - Enterprise Kubernetes

Project Quarkus, Kubernetes-native Java

Red Hat OpenShift

SHOW: 64

SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Burr Sutter (@BurrSutter, Director Developer Experience @RedHat) about Project Quarkus (@QuarkusIO), Supersonic Subatomic Java for Kubernetes-native application development. 



Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Tell us a little bit about your world and how it intersects Kubernetes, Developers and Cloud-native application development. 

Topic 2 - Today we’re going to talk about Java and containers. Before we get into the new technologies, let’s talk about what the world of Java in containers (and Kubernetes) looks like today - especially the challenges and tradeoffs from the Java EE world to Kubernetes. (see: “Kubernetes as the New Application Server”, Eps.55 on PodCTL)

Topic 3 - Please introduce us to Project Quarkus. 

  • Unifies Imperative and Reactive development models
  • Involves both GraalVM and HotSpot
  • Fast startup times
  • Low memory requirements
  • Smaller application and container image footprint 

Topic 4 - So for the Kubernetes or container person, how does this change things? It’s still Java/Quarkus in the container, but it is the smaller/faster aspect that’s interesting, or better interaction with the native Kubernetes patterns?

Topic 5 - What does this mean for today’s Java developer in terms of learning new capabilities or reusing any existing stacks or frameworks? (Eclipse MicroProfile, JPA/Hibernate, JAX-RS/RESTEasy, Eclipse Vert.x, Netty, and more.

Topic 6 - What’s the best way for developers to get the technology or engage with other developers/community around questions? 

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