PodCTL - Enterprise Kubernetes

Day to Day Kubernetes Operations

Brian Gracely & Tyler Britten

Show: 17

Show Overview: Brian and Tyler talk about CNCF Kubernetes Conformance, OpenShift 3.7 GA, and some common questions about day-to-day operations with Kubernetes.

Show Notes:

Topic 1 - How do you deploy the underlying compute resources that are used as Nodes in a Kubernetes cluster?

Topic 2 - If a Kubernetes environment has to scale, how do you grow out the computing (or other) resources?

Topic 3 - When a new version of Kubernetes comes out, how do you manage to upgrade the environment?

Topic 4 - What are the common things that the Ops team is tracking, monitoring, measuring in a Kubernetes environment? 

Topic 5 - What are some things that have changed, from an operational perspective, because a Container/Kubernetes environment and previous technologies (e.g. VMs)?