PodCTL - Enterprise Kubernetes

VM Admin vs Container Admin

Brian Gracely & Tyler Britten

Show: 47

Show Overview: Brian and Tyler talk about how the day-to-day tasks of a VM Admin would change if they adopted Containers in their environment.
Show Notes:

Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of a virtualization admin. How would we transition their day-to-day activities from VMs to Containers?

Topic 1 - What does the virtualization infrastructure/platform vs. container infrastructure/platform consist of?

  • Control Plane 
  • Content Repository
  • Data Plane (Hosts, OS, Apps) 
  • Networking, Storage, Management, Logging, Monitoring

Topic 2 - How do we get an application onto each platform, and how are resources provisioned?

  • Network 
  • Storage  
  • Security 
  • Backups 
  • What is automated (by default vs. tooling) 
  • Availability (models)

Topic 3 - Who is responsible for the different aspects of the application once it’s running?

Topic 4 - What are the biggest differences or misperceptions between the environments?

  • Stateful vs. Stateless apps 
  • Automated (integrated) vs. Manual tasks 
  • Patching
