PodCTL - Enterprise Kubernetes

The Internal Build vs Buy Discussion

Brian Gracely & Tyler Britten

Show: 53

Show Overview: Brian and Tyler talk about how companies rationalize a Buy (or consume) vs Build decision for a Kubernetes platform or service.

Show Notes:

This show is somewhat free form, but it ultimately started with a listener question that asked:

"We run an internal Kubernetes platform in our centralized IT group, but some other developer groups also run their own Kubernetes platform. How do we convince them, or our management team, to bring other groups onto our platform to be both more cost effective and more collaborative with developers?"

  • How do we rationalize having one vs multiple platforms (cost, support, feature differences)?
  • How do we communicate to internal groups about the capabilities of an internal platform?
  • How do we stop thinking like an IT group and start thinking like a product team?
  • How do we measure success of the platform?


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