John Hebenton's Podcast

Forgiving and Forgiven

Debbie Garrett

Rev Debbie Garret explores the parable commonly entitled the Parable of the Prodigal Son, or the parable of the Loving Father.
Debbie writes
"In Monday morning’s prayer in the NZPB the Gospel reflection says: “Would any of you who are parents give your child a weta when asked for a fish?  Bad as you are, you know what to give your children.”  We want the best for our children, even when it is costly to us.  The Gospel is filled with images of lost treasures being found and the story of the prodigal son is one of them.  There are three main characters: the grieving father, the wayward son, and the resentful son.  Is there one that you most closely identify with?  Or maybe all three of them tug at your heart strings? Joyce Rupp, in her book “Fresh Bread” reminds us that Lent is a time to look at Jesus, and to see what he held dear, and to recognize anew how he refound all of us through his death and resurrection. "