John Hebenton's Podcast

Peace March

John Hebenton

John used Chapter 32 in Brian McLaren's "We Make the Road by Walking" (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 2014) - Peace March Palm Sunday, to invite people into the story of Palm Sunday. There are a couple of monor changes in his text.
John finishes with some of the questions Brian asks at the end of his chapter

1.   Engage. What one thought or idea from today’s lesson especially
intrigued, provoked, disturbed, challenged, encouraged,
warmed, warned, helped or surprised you?

2.    Activate: This week, look for moments when you, like Jesus,
 can see with grief that people are choosing a way of conflict
 or violence instead of peace. Allow yourself to feel the
 sadness without vilifying anyone.

3.     Meditate: Hold the phrase ‘a house of prayer for all people’
 together with the phrase ‘my Father’s house'. See what
 thoughts and emotions arise within you, and express them in