John Hebenton's Podcast

Pukehinahina Summer Lecture Series 2021 - The Battles of Pukehinahina-Gate Pā and Te Ranga

Buddy Mikaere and Cliff Simons

This is the second lecture in our series this year. It was offered by Buddy Mikaere and Dr Cliff Simons. Buddy is a former Director of the Waitangi Tribunal and is a consultant, author, and historian. In Tauranga he represents the environmental interests of several local iwi/hapu in their interface with local councils and developers. Buddy and Cliff are the co-authors of the book: Victory at Gate Pā? 
Buddy and Cliff explored both why this battle happened, what happened during the battle, and the aftermath and its importance for all of us living in Tauranga today. They will offer both their up to date research done for their book published in October 2018, and the work they have done since for the reprint.