John Hebenton's Podcast

What Grips Our Attention?

John Hebenton

John uses Mark to explore what we give our attention to and notes he gives a lot of attention to covid updates, vaccination numbers, traffic lights and vaccine mandates. He wonders in what ways he is like those disciples, amazed at the grandeur of Herod’s temple and freaked by Jesus apocalyptic utterances. 

This is also the end of our year in Mark, where we have been invited to have our minds blown by the ongoing story of the coming of God’s kingdom.What has blown our minds this year?

As we approach Advent and Mary’ story, we are offered an important but small story, of Hannah. The kind of story we might overlook. A story of a woman in man’s world who cannot bear children, and who is mocked by the other wife. Her story of faith is recorded. God heard, and Samuel changed the course of history. Who are some other women who God used to change the story and inspire today?

As we struggle with all that is happening in our world today

·        What is it that we currently pay attention to?

·        What are the stories we might pay attention to?

·        Where do we see God’s creative life-giving presence? 

·        What blow our minds and gives hope?

The full notes can be read here