John Hebenton's Podcast

A Call to Love

John Hebenton

For some who follow the C of E calendar,  this coming Wednesday marks the end of the 40 days of the Christmas-Epiphany season. What is this season about?

-          revelation who Jesus is

-          response to that?

John explores why he  stuck with readings for 4th Sunday rather than presentation readings

-          really like Jeremiah – got smacked in mouth by coal and became prophet to kind of like how we have been smacked in the mouth by Covid

                                  -> like Jeremiah we are called

-          response of people who knew him to what Jesus has taught last week 

-          famous passage from 1 Cor 13 – about hard crunchy love – not a feeling but way to act

So what does all this offer us as we negotiate our way through RED

The notes for this sermon can be read here