WORLD WAR COVID GUERRE MONDIALE: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute


February 12, 2024 mark Season 15 Episode 37
WORLD WAR COVID GUERRE MONDIALE: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute

Poems, mine and theirs


From above my dungeon of internal exile,
Instead of the lute-song  of a long-lost liberator,
A little bird sang to me : 
“They have been properly thanked for handing you your fate.”


Then it sang: “Defeat, defeat, alas!”

Condemned to Tito justice:

Punish victim and aggressor alike.

Both condemned to the same silence.


Except my text is new and vital now;

Theirs, a mere duplicate with nothing new. 

The interdict we share is their victory.

Sore losers triumph once more.


Master crafted advice loving tendered

Cast aside like garbage,

Decades of work brought to nothing

By the biased gatekeeper of idle swells.


As usual,

Progress gets at best crumbs

While reaction licks the icing all around

Until it vomits from its iniquity.


What a pleasure to watch things shrink in the rear-view!

Republicans, “moderates”, “progressives”: herd wannabees.

Set sail for stronger, more predictable winds,

Not doldrums and squalls without letup.


Alone in wartime Europe

French fascists guaranteed the defeat of France.

Its Army sabotaged from top- to middle

Its POW officers debriefed for the Reich at home.


Blitzkrieg victory? Bullshit. The interwar of rot from within.

Hitler: “They saved me fifteen divisions of occupation!”

Those loyalists were handed the keys to France and elsewhere.

Now they key the world in stealth-mode.


We survivors of everything up to now, cheers!

Of all people, should  heed conservation of energy laws,

Hate, fear and pain without letup, inexcusable waste,

The whole world could burn down and never satisfy.


You can make a brick fly if you power it up enough.

But never like a glider. What a heresy to suggest as much!

A brick’s powerplant would rupture the glider’s belly,

Though it may soar without that priority.


Despite my faults, my bias, my frustrate ego;

My hatred of the numb, of having to make them heed and act;

My distrust of deeply held beliefs;

I still retain one certainty. 


Not through all eternity, come Hell or high water,

Regardless of hope and outcome, fear and hurt,

No-one other than poor, crippled souls, crushed as kids,

Enjoys the shoddy melodrama of evil for pleasure and profit.


Berserker graduates of the Sorbonne, the Ivy League, Capital Universities;

Taught to feed on the poor, on the truth and on Nature;

Too caught up in crimson carpet, tape, blood and ink for any real mastery;

Adrift down the red meander of the thousand year Reich.


Hosing down a barking dog, that’s not genocide. 

Our ruffled feathers are not worth the tears of one pietà.

Astride the hierarchy of evil, we cannot throttle it down 

As the PeaceWorld Learner Agora could.


Any sin this sensate hamburger must claim,

Pales against monstrous elder aggressions.

Whatever my faults, 

Microbes to whales.


World War COVID casualties deliberately neglected,

Senile leaders died faster than their sacrificial underlings.

Go on and die of old age, of old ideas, of necessity, with me.

We shall see who’s memes survive, if any.


Families may blowback from malnutrition and neglect,

Mercenaries will rob us and go home, that’s sure,

Fat ledgers will become bitter memories zero googled .

Your last stand on Baal basics? They will bury you there with your kids.

Just before every corpse 
Rotten, smoke-stacked, drowned, mummified by radioactivity, fossilized
Rebuilds itself from earth, air, fire and water
To learn its fate 
From the Unnamable who’s got nothing better to do.

We must all be reborn in our victims, those too.
As well as every other
Stranger, animal, plant
Perhaps superior beings
Maybe desert plains a-flower as far as the eye can see.
Everything alive, before and after, from beginning to end 
