World War COVID Guerre mondiale: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute
We live on WeaponWorld. Why not PeaceWorld? How would that work? What should we expect? Has that transition been discussed to your satisfaction, or has it been suppressed? I'm slopping a ladle of forbidden PeaceWorld soup onto your WeaponWorld prison zinc food tray. Next!
Nous habitons la terre en armes. Pourquoi pas au monde paisible ? Comment cela marcherait-il ? Cette transition t'a-t-elle été discutée de façon satisfaisante ou supprimée ? Je te verse une louchée interdite de soupe du monde paisible sur ton zinc de nourriture pénitentiaire fourni par la terre en armes. Au suivant !
World War COVID Guerre mondiale: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute
Tyranny for Sale, notes before the Second Civil War # 11
"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." Benjamin Franklin
From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld
Learner, begin
Tyranny for Sale, Notes on the Second Civil War # 11
American history is a succession of sales pitches launched by its economic elites. Sales campaigns aimed at the majority of American proles best defined by their vague desires and below average IQ, compared to the focused power hunger and intelligence slightly higher of literate elites. These campaigns have been carefully tailored to the limited understanding shared by American proles at the time, and to ours today (see below).
The first goal was to tax poor Americans rather than rich Americans: the justification of the so-called American Revolution. Similar to the British Glorious Revolution: neither glorious nor revolutionary.
Britain tended to tax rich Americans much more heavily than they did poor Americans and rich Britons. The latter were immune from taxation, fully subsidized by lower class ruination and servitude. See the British Enclosure Movement, tax laws, and colonial deportation programs. Rich Britons were fully represented in Parliament; the poor were not. Neither were rich Americans. Imagine that personal insult, much less their public deprivation of local funds.
Rich Americans desired the same privileges and preservation of their wealth. They resented the British arrangement: taxation without representation. So they staged a decade-long revolutionary war. Poor Americans, crushed under military boots or starved in the unfunded American army, paid much more heavily than did any rich American at that time. For the most part, he was safely ensconced in unoccupied Philadelphia, or collaborating with the British in Boston and New York, or changing sides as needed in Charleston and points south. His tightly knotted purse strings strangled, starved and froze Washington’s Regular Army until lavish French funds were shipped to it towards the end of the war. Those American elites who supported the British were exiled and expropriated by victorious revolutionaries.
This French funding would ruin its economy under Louis XIV (the last straw that broke the camel’s back), the profligate Sun King of France. He failed to re-enforce French forces to fill the vast Canadian wilderness and soak up massive casualties from tropical disease, Unlike Anglo-Saxons who reproduced themselves like rabbits and exported their offspring to die in droves and conquer nonetheless. He had to surrender his Indian and Canadian colonies to the British, so he ripped American colonies away from them in turn, ruining France in the process.
Thus ended this most recent World War in America. President Washington sent his few remaining Regulars into rural New England to suppress its rebellion against the Whiskey Tax aimed directly against the poor. And so on. America went to work exterminating native Americans whom American elites could not tax effectively by any known means. Many bleeding heart, East Coast Americans condemned this overt genocide. We will get back to them and their pathetic bleats against the latest elite outrage. Western Americans, occasionally massacred by Indian resistance, applauded it. Guess whose elite policy prevailed.
Slavery, of course, was an economic boon for rich Americans. Not only Southern elites who practiced it all by themselves to earn untold fortunes, but for rich Northerners who invested in slave State cotton agriculture. We will get back to them, too.
White Southern proles, whether they owned a slave or two or not, and most of them could not, fared better than most Northern proles. There were no slaves to buffer Northern misery. Southern elites could exploit black slaves much more severely. Rich Northerners did not have that luxury; they had to mistreat their poor worse than the Southerners did theirs. Northern elites compensated this imbalance by inviting immigrants into Northern States in new waves of slave labor (and soon infantry) from overseas. The only disadvantage to Northern elites: once assimilated, white immigrants could not be told apart from white “natives.” Black slaves could almost always be told apart, thus kept in their place across generations. America is all about industrial efficiency in everything its elites undertake.
Every new wave of white immigrants was systematically abused, as directed by American elites. Germans and Scandinavians were barely tolerated and sent packing far West. Poles and Slavs became the butt of stupid jokes and ready industrial slaves (as in mining and Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle). Irish (alongside dogs) were excluded from WASP society except to lay railroad track and saw down American forests at enormous casualty rates. Jews killed Christ, so not them either. Italians were dirty garlic eaters. Mexicans, Chinese and Japanese were shipped back home at gunpoint. Etc.. Standard elite malpractice. This sick sales pitch was used to extract maximum effort at minimum expense. Elite propaganda is cheap, cheap, cheap; compared to its police state equivalent. We will get back to that.
Then comes the first American Civil War. Northern elites realized there was no more profit to be gleaned from slave labor exported northwards across the Mason-Dixon line, i.e. beyond the sub-tropical zone of economical cotton growth. A reporter sailing down the Ohio River at the time reported as much. On one bank, that of Free State Ohio, he saw nothing but orderly farms and tidy agriculture. On the other bank, that of Slave State Kentucky, nothing but shantytowns and wilderness.
At the same time, Northern elites had to gradually divest their enormous investments in Southern cotton. They arranged things so that incompetent Northern generals lost many campaigns they should have won in a few weeks of combat. Northern General McClelland could have crushed his opponent Lee in a few months. He bitch-slapped him in various battles. He was deprived of expensive, high quality Northern cavalry for reconnaissance. Good cavalry only arose later in Union Armies, while Southern ones grew theirs immediately. What was the difference between a horse rider from the Union and from the South? There was none.
Northern elites fed McClelland false intelligence about threats from non-existent Southern armies, via his unique intelligence network of elite-funded Pinkerton detectives. Thus he fought all his battles blind-folded. The Media branded him incompetent, then and now. Though he was a gifted general loyal to the North, he sympathized with the Southern cause and the cause of peace. He would be paid off after the War with remunerative railroad jobs.
Despite passive resistance by Northern elites, the Union finally won the Civil War because of its virtual monopoly of railroads (a magical military conveyance of supplies and troops) and new tech industries. Also by the disruption of Southern river transportation caused by the Northern General Grant. With his long sought after victory at Vicksburg, he blocked the Mississippi River bisecting the South and all important to it. On the same day the Union won its first major victory at Gettysburg. His one-man project was opposed and slowed at every turn by every covert means available to Northern elites.
They did not want to lose the war immediately to the South; just delay its resolution until they and their British bedmates had retooled themselves to benefit from the next arrangement.
After the Civil War, the failed Southern Reconstruction, the automatic criminalization of free black men in the South, and the invention of the labor-saving cotton gin allowed Southern elites to climb back in bed with their Northern mates. There next sales job of slave emancipation and the South redeemed, was shouted from the rooftops, then quietly petrified by the media for over a century.
There followed the American trans-continental railroad, alongside homegrown European ones well built, and colonial track laid for the forced export of local commodities and not for local expediency. They were built almost simultaneously with the Russian, trans-Siberian railroad. Some Western historian should tread carefully where I dare not go. All these projects were funded by Opium War reparations extracted from China by Western elite Drug Cartels.
Then the so-called World Wars (sic) “just happened, who knows why.” Western elites found two new sources of profit, virtually free to deploy and easily monopolized: petroleum and military industry. Those they developed to the point of cancerous overgrowth nowadays. At the expense of world peace and alternate technologies first proposed around the 1900s. At the expense of world sanity and world ecology they could just mine indefinitely. Merely a question of proper advertising and sales.
American elites have always sold their proles the mirage of freedom, liberty and justice for all. The equality of all under the law. The pursuit of happiness (a laughably meaningless word salad). In truth, the poor are guilty until proven innocent, whether they did the crime or not; and the innocence of the rich is paved with dollars, whether they do the crime or not.
They outlawed Left politics completely in the United States, in favor of an alternating switch of Right Centrists versus Ultra Right wingers. Thus adopting Nazi ideals from the defeated Germans, with a few small improvements (idolize Israel, adopt Al Queda-like Christian fundamentalism, plus a few more whacko beliefs for good measure).
After World War II (sic), they entertained the notion of growing a full generation of American proles with excellent infrastructure, health, education and welfare benefits. Their goal was to create an unstoppable Fourth Reich so competent and unified that no other society could resist it. What they got was their ideal of strapping WASP Yahoos who craved more violence against “enemies” foreign and domestic, and a majority of hippies and draft dodgers.
Since that didn’t work, they set about a new task. Instead of selling democracy as a smoke screen to disguise there perennial oligarchy, why not sell tyranny directly?
Yes! That would solve everything!
The transition between democracy and tyranny happens when a clever tyrant unites the 50% of the population of below average intelligence and zero mental bandwidth. By zero bandwidth, I mean incapacity to judge the consequences of their acts, in the past, the present and the future. Instead, they rely on know nothing politics and religious faith in their Leader. Think of the popular and disastrous invasion of Sicily by classical Athens. The stupid semi-majority outvotes smarter people burdened with disparate interests and allegiances. They mass their shared stupidity while those smarter cancel each other out. All the tyrant needs, at that point, is a revolutionary cadre of gangsters and useful idiots among “conservatives” to run things on behalf of their massed base of cretins.
Never competently, never successfully, always disastrously in the long run. But who cares? Finally, we won!
Find a figurehead who resembles Clint Eastwood and General Patton. Set him up as a media superstar for several decades. Recruit every religious fundamentalist (Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, immigrant minority with its own prejudices, doesn’t matter much) to adulate him as their Holy Representative on Earth. Promote prejudice, know nothing politics and political anarchy outside of Party lines. Enlist foreign powers to thicken the chaos. Line the corridors of power with unlimited dollars until all of them (or most) are under direct control. Fire everyone who is not under your thumb. Centralize and monopolize the media. Buy up every military and resource extraction industry, so that your opposition cannot use them. The opposition will thank God for cheap drones built in any garage!). Persuade the combat forces, military and hyper-armed militias, to adhere to your creed, regardless of what their smarter officers prefer. Establish a Fourth Reich without legal opposition. Ignore global warming, ignore science, ignore the law and ancient culture. Dare the whole world and your own people to resist. Sell tyranny. After all, the elite has devoted itself to sell just about any industrial garbage. Why not tyranny?
Here we are.
Let me show you what this Fourth Reich will look like if it survives for decades into the future (heaven forbid!).
Elon Musk is a maniac with a dream. His exemplar is Verner Von Braun, a brilliant Nazi scientist who ran the rocket and missile programs in Germany during World War II (sic), then the American ones after the war. Unlike his hero, Musk is not a scientist and not a genius. He is a super-rich parasite who steals his smartest employees’ inventions and takes personal credit for them.
During the war, the Allied bomber campaign pretty much leveled every factory and large town under German control, with the exception of a few cities and industries held dear by Allied investors. Every death and concentration camp was also spared, for some secret reason. Even in Occupied France, 50,000 French men, women and children died under Allied bombs, including my grand parents whose house was under a viaduct a British bomber crew mistook for the one they were supposed to destroy, the next one down the coast.
To escape total destruction, Von Braun buried his factories in deep caverns. He was in a frantic hurry, under tremendous pressure to complete his projects. So those factories became hellscapes where starving slave technicians were worked to death under appalling conditions. Like many Nazis, Commissars and Bushido bastards,h e was never punished for his many sins; on the contrary, highly rewarded.
Von Braun and his co-worker, Albert Speer, desperately needed very skilled technicians to satisfy their schemes. However, Himmler and his SS cronies had other plans. They raked through Von Braun’s work force and shipped them off to death camps, thus slowing the production process. This is a typical example of Nazi mismanagement. Like starving piglets, opposing cliques of Nazi bureaucrats push each other away from the Reich’s shriveling tits. Expect as much from the Fourth Reich in America. A Nazi is as a Nazi does.
Elon’s dream is to colonize Mars and other planets in the Solar System, and extract new resources from all that gold, iron, fresh water ice and other chunks of stuff floating out there in space. To do so, he will have to construct habitats on many planets, space rocks, and stable Lagrange points in the vacuum of space between them. He will have to build an enormous fleet of space ships to travel out from Earth and between these habitats.
Such a project will require at least another century, counting down from the first successful manned mission to Mars. It will need that stretch of time in order to develop itself in a rational, sustainable and reasonably humane manner; thus not suicidal for everyone involved and totally destructive of the Earth’s human environment.
Musk is a monstrous egomaniac. He will want to claim personal responsibility for this entire endeavor. Once it starts in earnest, he will only have a few decades of old age remaining before he dies, not the full century required. Unless, that is, he and his cronies pay for a Frankenstein bio-technology that will re-house their blackened souls in some machine or virtual software program. Barring that, Musk will have to cram this century-long program into the next ten or twenty years. He will be in a frantic hurry.
So the entire world will become a hellscape where starving slave technicians are worked to death under appalling conditions, while everyone else undergoes a life worse than that portrayed in George Orwell’s book 1984. With the exception, of course, of Musk and his cronies. They will live in remote mountain chalets and tropical paradises, while everyone else submits to high-tech police surveillance and starvation. Every resource remaining on Earth will be strip-mined down to bare rock.
The Earth’s atmosphere will turn a sickly yellow-green from sulfates injected into it to shield the ground below from lethal greenhouse warming. The Musk-style solution to this problem, the cheapest and least desirable one. If the sky ever clears up and goes sky blue again because new injections cease for any reason, the Earth will shortly fry under a furious sun.
Welcome to Elon Musk’s dream of the Fourth Reich we will pay off.
COMMENT? markmulligan@comcast.net