The TNT Talk Show

Fertility politics–who owns the embryo?

July 18, 2020 Tony Fasulo and Tayo Bowyer Season 1 Episode 9

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  • Here's the argument: who should own an embryo? The mother? The father? The State?
  • Tayo thinks the State should own the embryo, and that the State should always fight for the child to be born.
  • Tayo thinks that if one parent wants the child, the State should ensure that the child is born and handed to that parent—but (and it is a big "but")—subsequently, the other parent will have no duty or obligation to the child.
  • Tony disagrees and thinks that both parents must share full responsibility for the child.
  • Well, that's what two numpties in midland UK believe, but what do you think? Comment on our Facebook page. If your comment drives apoplexy and rage–we'll probably invite you onto the show! So, head over and add your voice to the debate.

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