Hopkins Biotech Podcast

My PhD- Joe Varriale

Joe is a fourth-year PhD candidate at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in the Laboratory of Dr. J.N. and R.F. Siliciano. 
If you are a Hopkins Biotech Podcast follower,  you know Joe as the podcast co-director, producer and host. This time we have the pleasure to have him as a guest and to know more about his exciting career.
His PhD thesis involves characterizing the reservoir of latently infected cells that render HIV infection a lifelong illness. In line with his Entrepreneurial mind set, Joe is a Fellow of the Commercialization Academy program at Johns Hopkins Technology Ventures (JHTV) and a Pro bono Consultant in the Johns Hopkins Graduate Consulting Club (JHGCC).

Hosted by Jenna Glatzer and Gustavo Carrizo.

We are looking for PhD students from Hopkins, as well as other Institutions in and outside the US!

If you are interested  in being interviewed for My PhD please complete the following form and we will get in touch with you:

MyPhD podcast application form: 