Pocketful of Grace

Tending the Flame- Hope and Encouragement in Ephesians (Session 3)

Grace Lutheran Church

How is the flame of faith in your life these days? Is it feeling doused by the stresses and challenges of our time? The letter to the Ephesians was written to offer hope and encouragement and reassurance in being a community of believers, grounded in the good news of Jesus amidst challenging times. We have been living in traumatic times, that have tested all of our relationships and sense of identity.  Christ wants to draw us together, but how? Today we talk about trauma, our brains and what God is up to to sustain us. 
Pastor Carolyn Hetrick  and Pastor Scott Schul of Grace Lutheran Church, State College, PA lead the third week of this Bible study on the Book of Ephesians focused Ephesians 4:1-7 and the work of God, and especially the work of the Holy Spirit not only to shape us, but to give words where we find none, and bring us through the challenges by the power of God's love. 
Today's closing music is "Now the Green Blade Rises" by Judy Nishimura, played by Laurel Sanders. 
Worship resources from www.sundaysandseasons.com, copyright 2022, Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Used with permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #20807​. 

To learn more about our ministries at Grace Lutheran Church, visit glcpa.org.