Pocketful of Grace

Fruits of the Spirit Episode 4: Not Needing to Force Our Way in Life

Grace Lutheran Church

Pastor Carolyn Hetrick of Grace Lutheran Church, State College, Pa continues a series on the fruits of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23 and how Scripture applies our faith in life. Today the guests are Elizabeth Siegelman and Tierra Williams, the Facilitator Coordinator and Outreach Coordinator for Centre County Community Conferencing, a restorative justice program providing Centre County residents with a space and process to transform their conflicts into cooperation through open dialogue. CCCC partners with law enforcement and the legal system to empower people to resolve their conflicts through mutual collaboration. 
From a faith perspective this work is transformational and empowered by the Holy Spirit to create more possibility than we may at first see. 
To learn more, visit communityconferencingcc.org.

Today's music is "It is Well with My Soul," arranged any Judy Nishimura and played by Laurel Sanders. © 2020 ALRY Publications, is recorded and used with permission from ALRY Publications LLC, www.alrypublications.com, a partner of United Media & Music Partners.  

To learn more about our ministries at Grace Lutheran Church, visit glcpa.org.