Pocketful of Grace

Tending the Flame- Hope and Encouragement in Ephesians (Session 1)

Grace Lutheran Church

How is the flame of faith in your life these days? Is is a roaring bonfire, a modest hearth fire or "do you need to look for kindling?" However, you are feeling, the letter to the Ephesians was written to offer hope and encouragement and reassurance in being a community of believers, grounded in the good news of Jesus amidst challenging times. 
Pastor Carolyn Hetrick of Grace Lutheran Church, State College, PA leads the first week of this Bible study on the Book of Ephesians and today focuses upon some background that makes us see how much we may have in common with the early Christians, and then the first chapter of the letter which is a prayer full of thanksgiving and encouragement being prayed for those who hear or read it- including us! 
Music: "What Wondrous Love is This?" arrangement by Judy Nishimura, played by Laurel Sanders. Judy Nishimura's peaceful arrangement of this beloved Southern Harmony tune (1835), What Wondrous Love Is This, was recorded by Laurel Sanders, flutist, with permission of ALRY Publications (www.alrypublications.com), for use by Grace Lutheran Church. Worship resources from www.sundaysandseasons.com, copyright 2022, Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Used with permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #20807​. 

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