The Village Church

1 John 2:1-14 The Advocate (Vespers)

Eric Season 3

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First John Ch 2:1-14 (Lee Sommitz Paraphrase) 

1 I am writing this to you as my cherished and dearly beloved children. My desire is that you would never sin again. However, when you do sin, never forget that we have One who acts as a legal counselor before the Judge on our behalf. He IS, that perfect One 2 who took our place, dying not only to pay for our sins, but for those of everyone else who ever has, or ever will live! 3 Our confidence that we know Him will be in keeping with our obedience to Him. 4 Anyone who claims that they know God but refuses to do what He wants is out of touch with the truth. They are lying. 5 The degree to which keeping God’s commands is our priority is proportional to the degree that His love will become perfected in us. This also corresponds to our confidence that we are in Him. 6 People who tell you that they are abiding in God should be in the process of living more and more similarly to the way Jesus lived. 7 Precious ones, the commandment I’m writing to you is one that you’ve heard from the earliest times. 8 Now, however, it has a new dimension. We saw it thoroughly revealed in Jesus Christ and it will become increasingly clear since the light of His truth is dispersing the darkness. 9 People who tell you they are in the light, but choose not to love others are actually still blinded by darkness. 10 Those who choose to love others are the ones actually in the light so they can see (and thus avoid) harmful choices. 11 Quite a stark contrast to those who hate others and remain in spiritual darkness. They are blinded and hence unable to avoid the dangers lurking everywhere. 

12 To the youngest of my beloved I write to let you know that your forgiveness by Him is about who He IS, not because of your potential. 13 To you who are older I write because you personally know the One who transcends time. And I write to the young adults who have tasted victory over the evil one. 14 I wrote to the youngest of you also because you have recently started your personal relationship with the Father. I wrote to you older ones because you are established in your knowledge of the One who transcends time. I wrote to you younger adults because you have become strong and victorious over the evil one via His word remaining in you.

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The Village Church's sermon podcast is a weekly source of inspiration and guidance for the community. Authenticity is at the forefront of each episode, with Pastors Eric, Mark, Susan, and Michael delivering sermons that are grounded in truth and filled with personal stories and real-life examples. The goal of the podcast is to make spiritual growth accessible to all, regardless of background or belief system.

Each week, the pastors explain different aspects of the Christian faith, exploring topics such as the disciplines of prayer, fasting, and giving, as well as more practical subjects like relationships, finances, and personal growth. They bring creativity to their teachings, making complex concepts easy to understand and inspiring listeners to live out their faith in new and meaningful ways.

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