Building a Business that Lasts

How to Use Sensitivity as a Strength with Heather Dominick

Jay Owen Season 1 Episode 67

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Does your mindset ever affect you at work? Have you ever been called overly sensitive? Have YOU ever called someone overly sensitive? Heather Dominick, the founder and leader of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur® movement, explains how highly sensitive traits can be used as strengths to create entrepreneurial success. Tune in to learn more about how you can manage your energy, shift your business perception, and get the tools and techniques necessary to deal with the inner and outer processes of business! 

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spk_0:   0:01
are you someone who others say is shy, quiet or sensitive? Or do you know people or have people on your team who fit into that category? You might think to yourself that these traits aren't associated with being an entrepreneur. But on this episode I talked to Heather Dominic on how AH, highly sensitive entrepreneur can actually be exceptionally successful. They just need to understand themselves and the world around them, and she has some great ideas and tips on how to do that. Now, look, if you're not one of these people and you don't feel like you're highly sensitive, my guess is, especially if you're on a team, you probably have a few people on your team that fall into this category. So even if that's not you, you will learn a lot from this episode without any further ado. Here's my conversation with Heather. Thanks for being on the show.

spk_1:   0:54
You so I am really just so happy to be here.

spk_0:   0:58
So I'm really excited to have you because you describe yourself in a very unique way. I don't think I've ever heard an entrepreneur described themselves like this, and you wear it kind of a badge of honor, which I love as well. You say you're a highly sensitive entrepreneur. I would love for you to tell the audience what you mean by that. Because my feeling is there. Some people are gonna resonate with that. And go, Hey, that might be me.

spk_1:   1:21
Yes, absolutely. So, first of all, the freeze highly sensitive is not something coined by me, but actually comes from Dr Elaine Aaron, who is a psychologist and founding researcher on the highly sensitive person. This is work that she started in the early 19 nineties, and through her research, she has determined that there are 20% of us who are born into the world, highly sensitive. So what that means is, is that if you're highly sensitive, your nervous system is wires to take in stimulation at a much higher degree than someone who is not highly sensitive. And that can be with sight, sound, smell, touch, energy, information. You need Metz. And so the work that I do then build upon Dr Erin's work and really is developed and designed to support those of us who are highly sensitive and also feel calls to be an entrepreneur. And I'm sure you know yourself, day, but being an entrepreneur can be extremely overwhelming. So for person who's highly sensitive, the world in general can be an experience of overwhelmed because of that high degree of stimulation. And then you add, on top of it, being an entrepreneur. So the training is teaching. Tools that I have developed are also or those of us who are highly sensitive to be able to be successfully self employed. And that's, ah, highly sensitive entrepreneur.

spk_0:   3:01
Awesome. So it's just interesting, because I think some people might hear that term highly sensitive and think that's a weakness. That's not something I want to tell somebody about something that I want to bring up. And yet, like as a headline of founder and leader of the highly sensitive entrepreneur movement, Yes, 2010. So that's almost a decade. What kind of revelations were kind of feedback? Have you gotten from people about using that term like when people hear what's their reaction?

spk_1:   3:29
Yes, well, there's an absolute resonance 99.9% of the time for for those who are highly sensitive. But I'll also share that I came to being the founder and leader of the highly sensitive entrepreneur movement. Really, From my own experience when I first started myself ointment journey, which was about 16 years ago now, I had no idea that I was highly sensitive and it was a really dark night of the soul that that brought me to understand that I was highly sensitive. I had brought my business cross a $1,000,000 mark for the first time and would love to say that it was like an amazing experience, but it was not. It was absolutely an experience of massive overwhelm over exhaustion and overwork. And so I really started to question, you know, what am I doing? And is this what I'm meant to be doing? Because if this is what it means to be successful, then I'm not really sure this is what I want to do. And if I don't want to do this and what those kinds of questions so really went into a space of deep inquiry and that's what led me to Dr Aaron and understanding that I was highly sensitive and I share this story because you mentioned the aspect of wheat rest and one of the things that I always Taw in my work is that your ideal client is a version of you. So once I understood that it was highly sensitive, I brought one of Dr Aarons assessments into a group of 25 women entrepreneurs that I was working with in first time. Have them take assessment. And lo and behold of Bruce and Gold, Woman in that room was also highly sensitive. And that's when it really occurred to me that something very, very important was happening here and that that he was a room of absolutely talented women. And when they all learns they were highly sensitive, not one woman in that room wanted to be highly sensitive. They really saw it as a weakness as a detriment as a negative label on. That's when I knew that it was really, really important that there be a specific way for those of us who are highly sensitive, are extremely towns that do feel always be something but that we are equipped to be able to bring the guests that we have out into the world through our business in a way that is really energizing and supportive to who we are and how we're wired rather than working against us.

spk_0:   6:08
Yeah, I love that. You know, it's making me think as we talk. I have five little ones. They're not that little anymore. My youngest is seven and my oldest is 15 and one of them on my third son, Lincoln, is. I mean, I don't think I'd like a word to describe, but it's exactly that. Like he is a highly sensitive child. He's super bright. He's super fun. He's really funny. But life is an intense for him, like you know, and it's little things. It's like if if sounds are loud for us, like for me, they're really about for him. If light is bright for me, it's really bright for him. The other kids I could pick up, grab him and tickle him, and I could do the same thing with him. But when I do, it's like overwhelming, you know, reaction and and there's just like a stimulus inside of him that is intensified compared to the rest of the kids. And it's just so interesting because that's that is his life experience.

spk_1:   7:04
Yes, absolutely. It really just described it so well and it makes sense, right? You have five kids, and so one of them is highly sensitive. That is, that 20% and again, absolutely. And it's a really tough place to be when you don't understand that your nervous system is wired differently. And you know most of the entrepreneurs that HS sees that I meant your have gone the majority of their life, completely unaware that their highly sensitive indefinitely not having any guidance on how to really be able to work with this aspect of themselves. So what's developed over time is a realist sense of being less than or just at least a sense of being different, which perhaps your little one experiences and you know that can really be troubling. But truly, what comes with the highly sensitive are also all of these really amazing significant traits. And in my work, I refer to them as HSC strengths. And so what you've already described about your little wine right is that he's creative. He has a great sense of humor, is Please, honey, Those are some really specific attributes to strength to be highly sensitive. So it becomes about learning how Thio have your highly sensitive nature work for you as a strength in your business rather than against you as a shadow.

spk_0:   8:39
Yeah, it's super interesting. I don't focus on the Children too much, but I'm going to just deal your knowledge a little bit. I won't talk about business barely, but I'm thinking about Lincoln specifically, and the tough thing is for him. And I imagine this is true for adults, too. Is I'll see this with his siblings, where they'll be like Lincoln, like Mari, so sensitive, like, what's the problem? Like it's not that big a deal. It's not that loud. It's not that whatever and he's like and he really doesn't understand it. And I'm curious. First of all, like is, Does the research say that people are born with it, or can they adjust to it? I'll tell you, wine and Sprite too much of her podcast, but get out anyway. He had a pretty serious trauma when he was about two years old. He broke his femur ironic, finished running down the sidewalk, which is crazy. That's one of the story, but they broke his femur. He was in a full body cast for quite a while, and before that he was a very like wild rambunctious challenge. After that, we we felt like or thought that that was kind of a trigger for him that have pushed him into this more sensitive nature. What? What does the research say about stuff like that? Is it trauma induced? Is it just born is gonna be both.

spk_1:   9:42
Yes, I appreciate this question because absolutely, you know, plays a part when when you are starting into being self employed. So the research, according Dr Aaron, is you're born into the world this way. So I always like to say, like your parents didn't do it to you get it up on the playground. And because of that, we're drink you had in college. It's literally how you came into the world. However, the trauma piece is really interesting because also in Dr Erin's work, what she emphasizes is that trauma did not create the highly sensitive. However, how the trauma occurs will impact the highly sensitive and their reaction to trauma and then therefore similar trauma as they go throughout their life. So the trauma will and hands the qualities of the highly sensitive. So that, perhaps, is what you saw, you know. And again, he was at such a young age and developmentally changing. I'm an educator, so I'm really speaking from that as well. You know that two year old periods of probably what you saw. Waas. He was always highly sensitive. You didn't necessarily really notice that, you know, as as a baby and becoming a taller than the trauma. Really, ah heightened the highly sensitive experience for him. Most likely

spk_0:   11:16
that makes a lot of since well before it turned into a podcast. Let's talk about my pockets about family and parenting. Let me talk about business from entrepreneurs. Perspective. One of the things I always say on this show is I want to get people stories, tips and ideas to help them build a business without being worn out, stressed out and ready to quit yet imagine. First of all, everybody at some point feels that way. So if you're listening to the show and you're going, that's exactly how I feel. Look, I'm I have been in business for over 20 years, and there are still days. There have been days in the last couple of weeks where I have felt like that because it is just the nature of life in the cycle of business, it just changes. But I would imagine that some of those same feelings that everybody has could be intensified for somebody who's highly sensitive, especially if they don't understand how to use that as a strength versus it pulling them down. So so what are some real strategies that people can use if you're listening? This going, Gosh, that

spk_1:   12:10
that kind of

spk_0:   12:11
sounds like me. That's how I feel. That's how I think. What are some real things that they could do in their entrepreneurial journey to help them manage your business better and turn this into a strength

spk_1:   12:21
for sure? Absolutely well, first and foremost is just Thio acknowledge and begin to work with the idea that there is nothing wrong with you. And that is really important because the fact that we are 20% versus the other 80% as I mentioned earlier, we have grown up with some sense of, even if it's unconscious, some sense of being different, and often the mind equates that with be wrong on, and that is not true. Different is different. It is not wrong, so there's nothing wrong with you. That's number one to really against a work with that concept as truth. From there it is, I always say, that foreign HS e business is an inner and outer process, and that is really important and significant as well. Because most business training that's developed and designed for the other 80% as I had lovingly like to call them is primarily other folk Guest is really about. You know, just what outer actions you're going to take when it comes to marketing when it comes to sales when it comes to operations. For those of us who are highly sensitive, there is not compartmentalization because our nervous system takes instant probation no matter where it's coming. Brunch. There's going to be an interweaving, if you will. It's a whole Business is a holistic experience, so you want tohave tools and techniques in place that help you and support you with the in a process of business just as much as the outer process. So, for example, one of the primary teachings that I share in all of my business miracles mentoring programs is a process that I call energy management, and there's different tools with an energy management. But the idea is that you're taking time every day. Do you really set your energy? Set your mind set for the day? And what that does is it supports you and being able to be pro active with working with your nervous system rather than what happens for most highly sensitives who are just simply untrained is you have the experience of like the world and then therefore your business happening to you. So you're constantly in reactive mode, manage and puts you in a proactive position. And then, from there is really to approach this powder actions from a way where you're willing to take those actions differently than the other 80% takes them. So, for example, I have a very specific selling process that I teach that his designs to work for. Those of us who are highly sensitive and it's very different than what's taught by, ah, lot of again the other 80%. So you have to be willing to absolutely, you still have to market. You start to sell, you still have to set up systems within operations, but to begin to do it in a way that matches your nature rather than has your nature working against you.

spk_0:   15:44
Yeah, this is really good. It makes me think about We do a lot of work with our team, with personality profiles of all different types. Yes, this profile in any agreement, all those different kinds of things. But this is like another layer. Almost on top of that kind of is kind of how I see it, and it's making me think about my own team. For example, I have almost 20 team members, and so I have 20 team members. Then, you know, if the statistics match with my team, three or four of them probably fall into this category, Most likely. And so you know, we talked a little about that entrepreneur and and their own kind of self. But there is a big audience. Listen to the podcast, and that means the other 80% that are highly sensitive might be going well. That's not me, but what I'm thinking and this is going a little home who's around, obviously already said one of my trips. That's a big deal, but I have a whole team around me who have different strengths and abilities, so maybe I'm so speak to me like I'm I'm not a highly sensitive person. But I have people around me who are how can I learn toe work with those people well, And how can I lead them? Well, in my scenario, so that I'm helping draw out their strengths? That doesn't make sense.

spk_1:   16:55
Absolutely. It really makes sense. And it's such a valuable question. And my personal belief is that, you know, the more business owners that start to have this conversation. And I would say, you know, business owners, corporations, organizations, associations start to have this conversation, there will be, like such an increase of productivity first and foremost, and secondly, there will be such an increase of a sense of harmony and fulfillment within the workplace. So the first and most important, hardly answer to that question is what you've already started to tap into. And that is the willingness to recognize that not everyone on your team is like you. That is number one, too, to be okay, with fact that everyone on your team is like you a symbolically what we're talking about when we're talking about not like you know what we're talking about. The differences were talking about how the person process is so highly sensitive processes the world differently, then someone who is not an again your your son Lincoln is a fantastic example. And so when you learn that you have highly sensitive on your team, then you can really begin to work with the fact that they processed differently. That does not in any way mean that they get enabled, that they get singled, how the exceptions are made for them, but more so. It just means that there could be the willingness to have a holistic approach, stay two meetings, Teoh different types of strategies, projects and that you can really tap into the highly sensitive strength in specific ways. And when you really do that, and not just trying to force the highly sensitive to process the way non highly sensitive does, they will add so much because some of our strengths particularly done. The work that I do is for entrepreneurs, but it's across the board. Those of us who are highly sensitive, the strengths are, were extremely intuitive. Absolutely, we're massively empathic. We are excellent deep listeners. We're deep thinkers. We are deep feelers. We are excellent with language. These are just some of our strengths And so perhaps even as you're hearing that or anyone who's listening, you start that they go home. Wow. I really let someone go toe work from that place than what could be done at a much again higher level of productivity than the way that we're working.

spk_0:   19:50
Yeah. I mean, I both at work with my team and just in general, in life like, there are all these people to pop into mind. And I almost have, like, almost have different groups of people have some there. They are completely insensitive. But I'm a different situation, and I have some who, like full. Exactly. That category is your listing those strengths. I'm going. Yep. That's that person. Yep. Yep. That's who they are. Yeah, and I kind of see this and correct if I'm wrong, but I kind of see this similar to how we, like, see personality profiles internally when we talk about them. So, like, this profiles one that we use a lot internally And in that profilers four different types of D and I s and a C and A D in the sea air, basically in opposition to one another to some extent, and that the D is a hard driver there. Let's get the job done. Must do it right now, and the sea is the hold on. Let's let's think about it. Let's let's go through the details. Let's make sure we get it all right, so there's a lot of tension that could be created there. But if those personalities are lined up well, they actually are exceptionally powerful in the example that I always give is a kite in a stream. If the kind had no string, it would just fly out into the air and have no purpose or designed with string and hold it back just enough that it's able to actually create the tension that it needs. So I'm thinking about. It's a long way around to get to where I'm going, which is with personality profiles. What we always say is, just because I'm a high D does not mean that I have the right to railroad someone else because of my well, that's just my personality. In the same way that somebody else is a high C does not have the right to be like, Well, I'm just a high C, so I expect you to give me every single possible detail. And I kind of see that like this, it's a balance of self awareness of the individual who is highly sensitive to go. Aaah! And that is me. Hey, these are my strings. How can I double down those and awareness of the other people on the team to go? Oh, this is like a special trait that they have to be aware of, and it's moving towards each other. Does that kind of sound, right?

spk_1:   21:47
Oh, yeah, Absolutely. And, you know, for my team, we work with a lot of different types of personality tools as well. You need us about 19. Is that the majority of us are highly sensitive. So we actually flip the stats where 20% of my team is not highly sensitive and 80% is. And so that's just, you know, is an interesting and fascinating actor. But we still have to be that kite and be that string for sure. And so it does require absolutely a high level of personal responsibility, but continually for those of us who are leaders, right for leaders of the team, it really does all on us to be setting up systems as it sounds like, you know you have for yourself that incorporates the again. The willingness Thio work with those differences and level of acceptance, and the highly sensitive is just probably look at it as like a next layer or a deeper layer. To a lot of like, the personality types and tools that you're speaking about

spk_0:   22:53
that makes a lot of sense. What I love to do is think about way fuck about the highly sensitive characteristics. I think that's really important to set such a unique topic that I've never dealt with on the show, and I never even really heard of specifically. So it's really enjoying that. But I want to back up a little bit and think about your entrepreneurial journey as the whole. Like you said earlier. You know, you have been an entrepreneur for 16 years. You finally got the business $2 million but then you kind of struggled with that. I think a lot of people's heads, they think if I could just hit this particular mark, everything's going to be fine. I'd love to like here a little bit about a little bit more about that because I always like to draw out those troubles a little bit because I think when other people listen to this, they go. There's like a sense of relief and realizing a other people are trying to figure this out, too. And it's possible to get out of those dark days and get to a place of relief. And for you, that was a lot around figuring out who you were and who you are, what your unique gifts and strengths are. But how did you get to that point where you kind of realize those things? And what allowed you to kind of dig out of that place that you thought you were in?

spk_1:   23:59
Yes, for sure, I do think it's such an important conversation to have, which is, you know, why I love your podcast. I mean, it's just everyone would benefit of more that there were just, you know, be a willingness to talk about you know what's working, what's not working, how to get through it. So absolutely, you know, as I said, I waas self employed or just under 10 years, Yeah, more like around 77778 year mark and had brought me business process $1,000,000 mark and definitely had been, in the misconception of exactly what it is that you're describing, right, which is that Oh, all of the inst of being an entrepreneur will go away if I just hit this certain income well and that is the biggest myth ever. I have a size one thing, and it has nothing to do with the amount of income or not out of income. That's not it at all. It's more the heart of the myth, because being an entrepreneur is, as you're describing earlier, it is actually ments to be a process of consistent evolution, though there is no end goal. And it's one of the things that I refer to my teachings from years ago. So I called the myth of arrival. There is no arrival, and there is no point when again, all of the aced or the you know the learning that is involved in being an entrepreneur goes away. It changes through your willingness Thio be excited by every learning opportunity, and then you build muscles that allow you to be more acquit. But it never goes away, and in truth, you actually don't want it to go away because that's part of the reason whether you're aware of it or not. That brought you to be an entrepreneur and definitely again for those of us who are highly sensitive. So for myself, I was being coached by a lot of people who really were towing the line, that it was about that income, and I just didn't know anything different. I mean, I left a career as a high school teacher and begin in business. So I was in a whole new world, a whole new experience for myself and again. Well, I didn't understand and know that I was highly sensitive. I would say What got me through that dark night was my Dr Thio understand what had happened. I did, as I mentioned earlier, go into a space of deep sells inquiry all because that is something that I am always passionate about, which is to be on a path of self self growth, which is another thing I say all the time is if you want a fast track to personal growth, start a business because it will bring all of your stuff right up on give you the opportunity to work with it so So that is really what I did. I literally withdrew from everything. I stopped attending trainings. I took myself off line. I continue to pour my love and service since the clients that I was working with at the time. But other than that, I went into a very, very deep place. And as I said that I learned that I was highly sensitive. So was that really gave me? Was this new level and layer about who I am in myself as a person? And I really believe that that's the secret to success for every entrepreneur is to really know yourself, know who you are and know how you work fast and being willing to accept the gift that entrepreneurial ism gives, Which is it? You get to design your day to day around who you are and how it is that you are best, and that is what I did. So my success for myself is not that I brought my business process $1,000,000 mark. My success to me or me, is that I'm a keen a $1,000,000 business. But now I am, you know, the steward of a $1,000,000 mission and movement that allows me to literally live every day in a way that really feeds who I am. And that includes being highly sensitive. And I literally unlike on my knees, grateful every single day that I get to do that. So

spk_0:   29:00
that's awesome. Feeling is

spk_1:   29:01
no. Yes, absolutely so no dollar amount will give that to you. Well,

spk_0:   29:08
you know, it's so interesting because your single is I'm thinking through a lot of stuff that I will say sometimes and realizing just where I'm missing. One thing's always say is that I I think that most entrepreneurs were really have the calling. I do believe it is a calling and really have the drive to get it done. I think that most of them can wing it to about eight or 10 people in about a $1,000,000. But after that, what I always used to say was that they need specific systems and processes to get them to the next level. What I'm realizing, this is my self awareness moment for the show we're realizing in the in this conversation is that's what I needed, like what I needed to get past for we were was approved systems of process because that's a big weakness for me because I'm such a driver. I don't care about the details a lot of times, and as a result I can miss things. And that was causing problems because me missing things was just filtering down the rest of the team where, yes, but what I actually think the route is like this has kind of been this resident because it is related to a lot of other conversations I've had lately with other people. Is the super power really is self awareness? Yes, and it's understanding that for me it was systems and processes. It was named to put the right people around me because I wasn't going to change my behavior with regards to some of these traits. There are some things about me. They're just the way that I am, and I can. I can leverage my own strengths of that driver personality and also put the right people around me. The right systems around me to kind of compensate for that about the details and everything else, but it really is self awareness. So what led you to when you found that research and you kind of like had this revelation. What led you to that? Like, how did you get there from where you were

spk_1:   30:57
to get to the realization You mean

spk_0:   30:59
about what it meant to be highly sensitive? Yeah.

spk_1:   31:02
Yeah, Well, a guy was, you know, in that space of deep inquiry. And so I was open to, you know, support and insight, wherever it is that I could get it. And when I connected with Dr Aaron and realized through her work that I was highly sensitive, it was like all, uh, these pieces just click and place. I was like, you know, it was kind of like Lincoln, right? I was like, Oh, that's why I don't like being tickled like Oh, like, that's why I don't want to be in the front row at a rock concert. Oh, like you know, E. And I was like, Oh, that's why marketing this baby doesn't work for me. Like, that's why I like, you know, just really I got the job done, but it came at a really high cost, the ones I had, those realizations. And then, like I said, I realized that so many of the women that I was coaching at the time were also highly sensitive. I was like, Ah, okay, we really need to go about this a different way. And in that way there is absolutely the possibility and potential for, you know, solid, sustainable success. And it really shifted everything because everything, especially at that time that you know, is being taught. And that was on the Internet was all geared towards the hustle and towards maximizing the Internet. And those air never thinks that have inspired me ever really been the drive for me. I could do it and I did. But like I said, it came at a cost, you know, which even that led to one of my core teachings, which is about the HSC coping mechanism. And there's three coping mechanisms that I've identified. You're either a pusher, ah, haider or combo platter, and you will get through life with those coping mechanisms. But if you're really interested in being successful entrepreneur, you have to learn how to go beyond hoping and just getting through life and into created because that's the act in our being an entrepreneur. So you know, that was really that was kind of the the uncorking. If you will the opening and really beginning Thio develop and really create what has now become a great body of work in service to highly sensitive?

spk_0:   33:27
Well, I'm really excited about this because I think that there are a lot of people listening, 20% of them that are going Oh, that's B and my hope is that the other 80% are going Hey, I know somebody like that. Maybe like either connect them with you or your teaching or just learn more about what that means and kind of work towards that person. Really cool. Two things I like to kind of wrap up with all that. We probably talk about this all day, which I love is this. I always love to talk about the question of work, life, balance. It means something different to everyone. But I like to go there a lot because it's really important to me and it's my show. So I get to ask the questions eso So when you hear the word, first of all, when you hear the phrase work life balance number one, what does that mean to you and baseball like what it means to you? How have you learned over time to kind of put your life in a place you go ham really happy with where things are. What is it,

spk_1:   34:22
Lassie? Yes, yes, yes. Passionate about this question. So what it means to me it goes back to knowing yourself, right? So work life balance looks and feels different for every person. And you know that is again so much at the heart of what I teach. I don't have just one formula that I say. Oh, if you're in hs see, this is how you have to do everything in your business, including work like balance. But what I teach is a process of understanding and knowing yourself and then teachings and tools you can use to set up your business to match who you are. And that includes work, life balance or two key teachings that come to mind. That I sugar is one, as I call the 1/3 rule, which is basically dividing your time into whatever virtuous time off, time on and time in, which helps you understand that of balance actually is needed. But you're not meant to be working in your business all the time or on your business all the time. But you actually need to balance between those two and then absolutely that time in space or time off. And you know, then there is also the teaching that I sure at a particular level of mentoring, which is what is your core motivational value? Is it time? Is it energy or is it money? And that teaching really came out of again my own experience of learning that I'm highly sensitive where all of the business training I received up until that point assumed that my motivational value as an entrepreneur was money and for hs ease and Berries. And that motivational value will change over time as you evolved into different phases of your business. But when you get very clear about which motivational value, your mental lead with it shifts everything and really makes a difference in terms of what that work life balance is meant to look like, or you and again at a particular time in your life. So as I shared earlier, I have designed my life to really support who I have. So I feel very balanced.

spk_0:   36:49
Great. You know, I think people maybe listen to go wish I felt like that. Sometimes I still do, but But it is all about that. I mean, being an entrepreneur is a lot about crafting the life that you want. For some people, like the example of people use on the hustle side of someone like Gary Vaynerchuk and Social Media World. And he's the 24 7 Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle. But even he will say, If you ask him, he will say, Look, if that's not for you, that's okay, But you do. You just don't complain about it. He's like If if what you're doing is not producing the results and and you're complaining about it, that's a different thing. But but knowing yourself, Number one, like you said, it's really important. And the other thing that you kind of mentioned as well, it's kind of the tiny were what I will say is like the season of life, because when I was younger and did not have five Children and wasn't married, I love work and I like the work I d. Oh, there's nothing wrong with being in a certain season and working 18 hours a day. That's finally if that's where you're at, that's okay, And I think our society is guilting. People in both directions were guilting people because they're not working enough. And now I think the new trend now is good. Guilting them because they're working too much, and at some point, I think we have to. As human beings, go ahead. What do you need? What is your life look like? And and then decide what that is. Because right now in my season of where I am with my kids were there at my marriage and everything else. I am doing my absolute best to not work past a certain time. What of my core like kind of values as a person? I was to eat dinner with my family. Anything conflicts with that argument, it better be a big deal, and it better. But I've already been approved by my wife.

spk_1:   38:33
That's right

spk_0:   38:35
for somebody else. They do not want to work through dinner every single night. That's fine. So I just love how you put that I love the idea behind your motivations of time, energy and money and that it being off on it, and I think those were really, really helpful. So I think that we could go on all day, but I would like to get people opportunity to find more about you and what you do. And you're training and teaching because I think it's really unique. I've studied a lot of stuff in business over a lot of time, and I have never come across this. So I'm super interested. Where can I and other people like me who want to Nome or find out more about you and what you teach?

spk_1:   39:09
Absolutely. So I would say probably the best place to start is if you've been listening and you haven't been playing like Oh, this might be me auras you mentioned earlier, Joo. This might be so and so who's on my team or I'm married Thio or what? You? I recommend that you start by taking the highly sensitive entrepreneur assessment, and you can find that at h s e quiz dot com HSC quiz dot com But like I said, it's really an assessment out of quiz because there's no pass or fail. So at the at the end of bad assessment, you will find out if you are either somewhat of an a Jesse or if you are a super HSC Or if you are like me, you are a super uber a Tessie. Depending on where you fall in the spectrum, he'll receive ah, tailored success guy to support you with information about how to really begin working with this aspect of yourself or a gun. You know someone who's important. Toso HSC quiz dot com is a great place to get started.

spk_0:   40:21
Awesome. Thanks so much for that. I will put that link in the show notes for people to click on if they want to go check it out, eh? So go get your free assessment. It's ah h s e quiz dot com We just need your name and email address, and you take that assessment either. Thank you so much for being on the show today. This is really insightful. I really hope I think it's gonna be valuable for me, my team and my wife. So, selfishly, I really appreciate your time.

spk_1:   40:43
Yeah. Thank you. Left this conversation really appreciate that day.

spk_0:   40:47
Thanks. I hope this episode has given you some ideas or inspiration. It will help you grow your business if you found it helpful and you know somebody else who might benefit from it as well. I would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to share this with him, maybe on Facebook or Twitter, or linked in, or even shoot an email over to a friend with a link to this podcast in it. And if you haven't already, make sure you sign up for email list at building a business that lasts dot com.

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