Boston Confidential Beantown's True Crime Podcast

Phoebe Prince 2010 Phoebe was bullied, but new information casts the case in a new light

July 04, 2021 Barry J. Maguire Season 3 Episode 55

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Phoebe Prince was the poster child for bullying in America in 2010, new laws were passed and significant attention was drawn to this severe societal issue. She committed suicide just after a round of hellacious bullying.
Phoebe was severely bullied, however new information from Slate reporter Emily Bazelon, has revealed that things may not have been as they appeared in 2010. Phoebe was extremely troubled prior to her arrival in America, from Ireland. She was depressed by her parents separation and she missed her father. Phoebe had attempted suicide just after the previous Thanksgiving, She was also cutting herself again and was on some heavy duty mood altering medications. 
The media narrative portrayed this case as being wholly about the bullying and the school ignoring Phoebe's plight, both components are partially true and partially false, simultaneously. She was bullied, but was already a very troubled young lady. The school did try to help Phoebe, they assigned a social worker who worked with her and a school guidance counselor, was that enough? certainly not. Six teens were ultimately charged with several felonies in this case. They all took minor plea deals, to misdemeanors with no jail time. Legal experts believed a conviction at trial was unlikely. This case does not fit the media narrative! Don't miss this episode!
Here is the Slate story by Emily Bazelon