Random Richards

Ep.050: 5G Zombies up in this bitch! Joe Rogan playing both sides and trolling us all. New Drake album. I have to side with Joe Budden?

October 08, 2023 Rio & Rob Oh Season 3 Episode 50
Ep.050: 5G Zombies up in this bitch! Joe Rogan playing both sides and trolling us all. New Drake album. I have to side with Joe Budden?
Random Richards
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Random Richards
Ep.050: 5G Zombies up in this bitch! Joe Rogan playing both sides and trolling us all. New Drake album. I have to side with Joe Budden?
Oct 08, 2023 Season 3 Episode 50
Rio & Rob Oh

They say truth is stranger than fiction, and nothing quite illustrates that like a conspiracy theory of a zombie apocalypse that had 2.5 million people (loose estimate) wearing aluminum foil helmets and burying their phones in the backyard. With a glance at my own shiny foil-wrapped head, we take a deep, non-judgmental look at this wild notion and the power of media platforms to influence masses. 

Stepping from the absurd to the impactful, we navigate the intriguing landscape of influence, featuring figures like Joe Rogan and Jake Paul, and how they manage to straddle two opposing sides. Meanwhile, the hip-hop community is abuzz with Drake's new album, causing a dichotomy of opinions. We dissect what the hype – and criticism – is all about, underscoring the importance of a double listen before passing judgment on any piece of art.

As we peel back the layers of Drake's recent offering, we explore its impact on the hip-hop scene. Does the production value and the interludes live up to the hype? Is there a deeper message behind his lyrics or is it all superficial fluff? And, let's not forget about the ladies in Drake's life – does he need to rethink his choice in women? Prepare to question, laugh, and maybe even shake your head in disbelief as we navigate these thought-provoking topics. Trust me, this is one episode you don't want to miss!

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They say truth is stranger than fiction, and nothing quite illustrates that like a conspiracy theory of a zombie apocalypse that had 2.5 million people (loose estimate) wearing aluminum foil helmets and burying their phones in the backyard. With a glance at my own shiny foil-wrapped head, we take a deep, non-judgmental look at this wild notion and the power of media platforms to influence masses. 

Stepping from the absurd to the impactful, we navigate the intriguing landscape of influence, featuring figures like Joe Rogan and Jake Paul, and how they manage to straddle two opposing sides. Meanwhile, the hip-hop community is abuzz with Drake's new album, causing a dichotomy of opinions. We dissect what the hype – and criticism – is all about, underscoring the importance of a double listen before passing judgment on any piece of art.

As we peel back the layers of Drake's recent offering, we explore its impact on the hip-hop scene. Does the production value and the interludes live up to the hype? Is there a deeper message behind his lyrics or is it all superficial fluff? And, let's not forget about the ladies in Drake's life – does he need to rethink his choice in women? Prepare to question, laugh, and maybe even shake your head in disbelief as we navigate these thought-provoking topics. Trust me, this is one episode you don't want to miss!

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What up? We are back in this motherfucker. It's been a minute. I promised you More episodes, shorter episodes, all that bullshit, just to just to keep teasing you on the line, my minuscule followers. But I'm back and the podcast is not dead. I am kind of zombie, ish, and maybe that's why it took me so long, or maybe that's why I'm here, because, like I don't know if you can see my background, like I'm like kind of faded, like that motherfucker right there For those listening on Spotify, we got a zombie apocalypse background, or I'm sorry, not just Spotify, any podcast forum, apple podcasts, google podcasts, all the good shit.


I don't just want to just because I use Spotify. So, whatever, whatever you use, awesome, but forever is not watching this on YouTube. You see, by the way, obviously I lied Last episode. I said it wasn't going to do YouTube anymore. Fucking lied about that. Really, step aside on YouTube. And I'm going to keep doing it just because some people watch it on YouTube, whatever. So I'm fighting my zombie ism Because I did get the jab in case.


In case you didn't know I know this is a little bit old news by now and you didn't protect yourself. Maybe, possibly, I hope. I hope you protect yourself. I hope you got your. For those not watching, I have an aluminum foil helmet basically going on right now. So I hope that the folks that didn't, I hope the folks protected them. I hope you protected yourself so that the folks that got the jab the folks were have been vaccinated.


Last Wednesday, in case you didn't know, the federal government was releasing a alert to everybody's cell phones. So everybody's cell phones went nuts at a certain time and that was supposed to trigger I don't know some shit inside you. The 5G towers were just going to go like bow, which is that you're like fucking Hiroshima, and you were supposed to start turning to a motherfucking zombie. So they told you to wear these sweet aluminum foil helmets and all that and turn your your devices off and all that stuff. And I was kind of playing with fire. So I turned, I left my device on but I wore my aluminum foil helmet so kind of like half zombie, half like regular person, like I had my zombie phases. Some would say they're just instincts or I don't know, fucking just manly douchebag phases or whatever, I don't know, but I'm blaming it on the fucking zombies. So when I call you an asshole, was me the zombie in me when I I don't know, fucking Jesus Christ, I do a lot of zombie things, I just can't think because I'm a nice guy, you might think like, hey, it was a fucking asshole. But generally I'm a nice guy and I respect other people. I had my zombie moments, just like everyone else. So if I cut you off in traffic, that was the zombie, it wasn't me. If, if I give you an attitude because you fucked up my order or something like that, which I try not to do, but it's hard controlling these motherfucking zombies Sometimes the zombie comes out and sometimes I lose my shit.


The wife has got to deal with the fucking zombie ism. You know, sometimes the zombie comes out and she'll start be like oh, why are you saying this? Why are you doing that? Blah, blah, blah. It's not me, it's not my fucking fault, it's the zombie. Don't, don't get mad at me, get mad at the zombie. So there's your built-in excuse, fellas, for you know You're getting into it with wifey. You know, like, why'd you fucking have explosive diarrhea and not clean it up? I Didn't know, I didn't do it, it was the fucking zombie. I don't fucking. That's not a shit. What are we talking about? Can't you see? Can't you see? That's fucking zombie. So I'm just trying to work through it that I will say this the fucking foil head, the foil helmet, is hot as a motherfucker. My dome is sweating like a Like, a like like a fat chick out in 90 degrees at church wearing her best fucking dress and bloomers who and dancing. My head's sweating like that right now. So I mean that shit would be sweaty without the dancing. Can you imagine, with the fucking sweating, especially if she was like half zombie, what the fuck? Oh, those, obviously kind of dry, so maybe not. I Just kind of throw it just fucking monkey wrench into that whole argument. Whatever, any better analogies? Anyways, um, yeah, it's.


I wanted to talk about this just briefly because I Was, I was reading an article and this, this zombie bullshit was, I Guess, going around by these fucking asshole conspiracy theorists or whatever, qanon of course, on Some telegram channel called a patriot voice which is followed by more than 50,000 people. So let's, let's give them a benefit of the doubt and say half of those dummies have half of a brain. And they didn't believe it. There's still 25,000 people at least, probably more, because even though you have only 50,000 followers, word starts spreading and and articles start getting written and it turns into millions and millions of of listeners or viewers or whatever and Next thing you know everybody is Wrapping their fucking heads in aluminum foil and and burying their phones in the backyard and I don't know what. What else would these assholes be doing? I don't know what else to do.


So let's say 25,000 is probably a small sample. Let's say Well, 25, nah, I can't be that much. Let's say 2.5 million actually believe this shit In the world. 2.5 million? So there was two and a half million people in this world on Wednesday. Well, actually that was just a US thing, so I can't go to the world. So let's cut that. I didn't think this thing through thinking on the fly here. So they had 15,000 followers. The articles started writing about it. Let's let's, let's be conservative. Let's say there was 500,000 Americans that believe this shit. You had 500,000 Americans on Wednesday, scared that they were gonna turn into fucking zombies and wearing this ridiculous fucking aluminum foil like I'm wearing on my head right now, just to illustrate how stupid this fucking ridiculous shit is, and they legit believed it was going to happen.


We are fucking doomed because when AI takes over the dummies, well, I mean, good for us who have brains. The dummies are the first to go because, like, what are you going to do To appease our AI masters? Like, if they need, like, they don't really need ditch diggers because they can automate it, they don't really need, like, somebody to serve you Fries and burgers because they can automate it. Like, the dummies are fucked. So If I was a dummy and I didn't turn into a zombie this past Wednesday, I mean I could be wrong. Maybe there's some fucking zombies out there that we don't know about. Haven't seen one yet, haven't heard of one yet, but I could be wrong. So for the rest of us, the rest of the dummies, what are you going to do? It's coming, yeah, it's coming. It is coming to take over this motherfucker like, like terminator, like the matrix. I mean I don't think they're going to just use us for energy. They're going to use us to be their bitches, but it's coming.


But you guys are focused on conspiracy bullshit. That makes no fucking sense and a lot of motherfuckers believe this dumb shit. But whatever Features on, you want to be a dummy. Be a dummy. You don't want everyone to do any fucking research, or or, or I don't know, fucking, I don't just checking the stoop stupidity of certain things. Don't just take it from just fucking You're, you're aluminum foil on and just just prepare for the worst and bury your phone and and and Jesus and most of these fucking assholes who Believe this shit didn't get the job anyways because they believe all the other bullshit. So it was almost like A call to arms, a warning for nobody, because people who actually did get vaccinated have a brain and understand how the shit works.


Whatever, I don't want to turn this to an anti-vax bullshit. Fucking. It's not about the vaccine, it's about the ridiculousness of somebody thinking that a 5G tower can be turned on to turn you into a fucking zombie. That that's how ridiculous this is and that and that's what basically we're discussing. So, speaking of which, hold on, I gotta take this fucking thing off, because I'm like my fucking head is on fire right now. Jesus, fucking Christ, that shit is hot.


If they, if they, didn't turn into zombies, they fucking died of heat stroke. I'll tell you that much. That's right. That's right. I'm wearing it. Yep, my team sucks. The dynasty is over. It's dead.


Patriots, those that can't see it. Patriots, hat back on. It's over, I admit it. Time to tank, time to restart, time to rid ourselves and start anew. That's where we're at and that's where we're going so, but I still ride with these motherfuckers right here. I'm still riding with Pat Patriot. You didn't get me to change. I'll still fucking torture myself watching these shitty games, like I did way back before the Dany see started, when we had a shitty ownership group and a shitty stadium and you could even watch the game sometimes, because they blacked them out, because they didn't sell out the, the, the fucking stadium, and we had one win the whole goddamn season and it was horrible. So For all you patriot haters, lick my tears, dance on my grave, whatever, because it's it's short term. We're coming back, not this year, obviously not this year, but we're coming back because we got a good ownership group and and you know, I think they're starting to realize that once you lose the greatest quarterback of all time Maybe Bella check isn't as good as we thought he was it's a lot easier to coach and and win with less when you have the greatest fucking quarterback of all time versus Mac fucking shitty ass Jones. But whatever that, that we're not here to talk about that. I'm just about to put the hat on those and I'm not watching that patriot representing, and I had to address it. But let's move on.


So I was trying to segue into the zombie shit and and and all this, this influence that like all these idiots have. And it always brings me back to Joe Robin and In the last episode we talked about how Jake Paul is playing you, playing me, playing us all, doing this thing, making money, making this thing, that like he's a legit boxer, when our brains tell us he's not. And it's the same thing with Joe Robin. Like, don't get me wrong, I'm, I'm, I'm not a Joe Rogan hater. I don't really listen to his podcast. I see clips all the time and from those clips I've gathered that he is the supreme troll, just like Jake Paul.


He plays both sides of the fence like Like he's he, like he's on the fucking the Boston pops and he's just fucking, just playing his violin. I don't even know if they have a violinist, but whatever in this today, for this episode, joe Rogan's the violinist on the Boston pops and he's just playing that fucking violin and playing us all because he'll hit the left With some bullshit and some bullshit conspiracy and then he'll hit the hill but hit back on the right and he tries to play it like kind of in the middle. He kind of caters a little more to the to the right but he kind of tries to play it in the middle To where he has both sides at some, at one point or another saying yeah and fuck you, and then the other topic it's like yeah and fuck you, and so he's fucking a genius. Like For a fucking meathead comedian, he's a fucking genius. So I now have a new idol.


Besides Jake Paul, I idolized fucking Joe Rogan. The guys making Bazzillions of money on his podcast while my podcast barely gets fucking like a hundred listens. But whatever, whatever, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not selling out, not selling out man, I'm fucking half zombie anyway. So who cares? I think at least I got that Joe Like I don't know if Joe ever got the jab I might my I doubt it from his Stances on the vaccination. I don't know, I never paid attention, but my guess is he never got it, so he don't have to worry. Well, I did Fucking vaccine, vaccinations and boosters. So I'm like half zombie. So fuck you, joe. I can speak from both sides. I can speak from the zombie world and I can speak from the fucking the real world. So you want to play both sides? I can play three sides, motherfucker. I can play the fucking the Left, the right in a zombie. So suck my dick, joe Rogan, even though you're my idol and I love you.


Last thing I want to talk about real quick is this, this Drake album. So apparently Joe budding, who I can't stand because I I while I admit I like some of his music back in a day, um it's, he's like just an asshole and he seems to fuck over everybody who works with him and Me. You've seen it over and over again and he's it's never his fault, he's always. It's always somebody else's fault and I Don't know I he's. He just comes off as a fucking just douchebag. And and the funny thing about like this whole Drake album thing is, I agree with most of what he said. But when he talks about fucking 25 year olds, like you gonna tell me, joe buddins, not fucking 25 year olds? Like please, please, this fucking guy will fuck any groupie that comes his way. Like Look at the Come on, look at the judgment he's had with women. But that's not here nor there. Let's just talk about the album. Okay, real quick.


I Listen to this motherfucker and I don't know if it was a zombie in me, but it pained me to listen to it fully, thoroughly through. But I said I'm gonna talk about it on the podcast, so I need to give it at least another listen. So I listened to it a second time. Now I will say this I Was harsher the first time that I listened to it. Then in the second time I listened to it, which is why I always say listen to an album twice before you make a, you know, a judgment on it. Maybe the zombies took over, I don't know, but I would say the first, probably six or seven tracks are okay. If you just made an EP and just cut it there, he would have been straight. However, that shit went on for like another fucking, I don't know 12 tracks or whatever it was, and the first six or seven tracks did not, weren't good enough to Overcome the last, like two-thirds of the album. It fucking sucked. Joe Biden is right. I Looked at the credits.


It looks like support, like I mean, everybody says Drake, that goes right is I think this album Drake wrote? I think he wrote the whole fucking thing, because it's like this fucking and, and I can't stand these fucking Drake writers that Everything he does or everything he spits is like gold to them. Like have an objective opinion. Stop fucking Riding his dick. What he doesn't pay, you like who I Mean. Every music obviously is subjective, so I can't really shit on everybody, but there are a lot of motherfuckers who just because of the name, would just give him a pass and They'll say, oh, I like to beat, like Listen, if we're being honest and real about this fucking album, it was catered, like Joe Biden said, to the young. It was a coping ass album where, like it's almost like he was making excuses and Like I didn't my fault type of album. What was me like all these fucking young kids have going on these days. Um, it was like like he, like he was in his feelings For a lot of the songs, like gee, I wonder why you're in your feelings.


Maybe because you keep fucking with these thoughts that that like you, even like I don't know. I don't know if this was a legit thing or if it was staged. It probably staged, but whatever, the interlude on one of the songs when 21 Savage comes on, and it was the best part of the song when 21 Savage comes on, but you gotta listen to a bunch of bullshit just to get to that part. And this chick is talking about fucking Eden Oxtail and oh, like, like she's so spoiled because she didn't get to the. What the fuck kind of interlude is that fuck gives a fuck about that bullshit. Like then, stop fucking dating these fucking simps, stop dating these fucking these gold digging ass bitches, that that that's all they care about you. You like maybe he's just trying to point that out, but the interludes we don't want to hear that shit. The interludes that we want to hear is like W balls, and, and the mad rapper, and, and, and, and, and I'll fucking, I'll fucking. So your asshole clothes that keep feeding you and feeding you and feeding you. Like those are the type of interludes we want to listen to. We listen to some fucking stupid ass airhead Talk about how she has to eat oxtail, that the chef can't switch it up.


What the fuck Like when did you lose your fucking? Like you grip on reality. He's out there talking about, he's talking about his, his old days, and he's done this in the past and he's hot and and they're really not that bad. They're really not that bad when you, when you compare it to like Ghostface rapping about fucking broaches out the cereal box, fucking sleeping with John John because he you don't want to sleep with him, because he beat the bed, like real struggle type shit. And you got this asshole talking about the fucking, the fucking, the bullshit struggles he went through Because you had to eat some fucking ramen soups, like everybody had ramen soups, motherfucker. It was like it was like insulting my intelligence.


This fucking album. He was just in his feelings, just singing monotone bullshit, not even singing, well, just sing, sing, sing. I'm wanting rap. That sucked. I don't know why I'm so angered by this fucking album, but maybe because I forced myself to listen to it a second time and it fucking sucked just as much as I thought it did. And I think what angers me more is the fucking simps out there who try to make excuses for it and try to say like I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about and I'm a motherfucker who listened to hip hop for 20, 30 years, 30 years of hip hop in this fucking brain and I'm supposed to listen to some little Gen Z asshole or whatever that thinks he knows more about hip hop than me. Listen, I stay current. I listen to new shit too, but this Drake album sucked.


It's plain and simple. He was in his feelings. Maybe some bitch broke his heart. Well, maybe, drake, you need to stop fucking with these thoughts, these chicks who are just after you for your money and the fame or their Instagram or whatever, and maybe you need to go start fucking dating a chick who has a career, who doesn't need you, who doesn't want to clap. Maybe you need to do that, you stupid asshole, instead of crying to us on these fucking songs and you just for the dogs, for the fucking dogs, the little shit bitches that act like they don't have any fucking balls. Is that the dogs? For the neutered dogs? That's what it should have said. It should have said for the neutered dogs, because that's what this fucking album was For the fucking dogs that have no balls. Jesus, fucking Christ, I wanted to fucking.


I literally looked at my phone and looked at how many more tracks I had to listen to, because I knew it was all this sing songy bullshit, and it wasn't even good sing songy bullshit. If he changed his fucking flow and he sang in different penises, or whatever the fuck they call it, then maybe it would have been better. I mean your album. The people listen to it so that they can hear J Cole, 21 Savage, sza and what else. They didn't listen to it to hear you because you fucking sucked on it. So Joe Biden is 100% right Either fucking put in the work or don't bother. Get your ghost writers back on fucking line. Get you some new producers. That shit was ass, ass, ass. It was not for the dogs, it was not for the cats, and maybe he was trolling us and maybe he knew it was for the cats or the kitties, whatever the fuck you want to say. I would say for the kitties. So maybe his next album he can name for the kitties and it'll actually be like hard shit that we like that he's done in the past.


Because I like Drake and I listen to a lot of his shit that he's made. He's done a lot of his fucking last thing that nobody liked the dancehall shit with the beats and stuff like that. A lot of people didn't like that shit. I liked it because I could moon by ass and shake my ass while I'm fucking washing the dishes and stuff like that. I liked it, I supported that shit. So it's not like I'm a Drake hater. I loved most of Drake's catalog, but God damn, this album sucked. There wasn't like one song that I wanted to listen to again, which is a lot to say for an album that has 20 something songs on it.


Maybe, maybe I'm totally wrong, maybe it's that fucking zombie, maybe the half zombie that I am right now is like fuck Drake. I don't know, I don't know, but the human in me says do better you can. You've seen it. Maybe you're too focused on your fucking real estate buys and all this shit, important shit you're doing for Canada and all of that shit. And I'm sorry, just when you listen to God damn it, when I listen to the shit like the struggles he tries to claim that he went through it's like, bro, are you fucking kidding me? Like, at one point in my life I lived in a fucking van and this fucking asshole is over there telling me about like, like, stupid little bullshit anecdotes, like if, like, if you went through real struggles. You, you fucking billionaire cock sucking. Just, I still love you, I still like the old shit, I'll still, I'll still bump that shit. You just get on my nerves with that bullshit. Or maybe it's a zombie, I don't know, but this album sucked ass and all you simps and all you fucking Drake riders that pull your dicks out and start fucking pounding to every little Drake fucking verse you guys need. You guys need to check if you guys zombified because you got to call it like you hear it. I mean Jesus, fucking Christ.


There are times where beat can't save a song Like I can't be the only one who sees this and understands this. There was one song where I don't even know who it was, but it sounded like I could fucking sing the verse. I think it was one of them interludes. I could have did it just as good as him. So the good I took out of it. J Cole knocked it out the park, his feature 21. He's hit or miss, but that was the best part of that song for me and SZA. What else? What else can you take from that? Nothing, because it sucked. So stop trying to make excuses for it and just telling it sucked and move on.


And that fucking big ass diatribe that he made about Joe Budden I don't like Joe Budden. I can't stand him. I think he's a fucking asshole. But for him to criticize him for criticizing him, that's what he fucking does now. You can't say he failed at rap because he had a successful career. Rap careers don't last forever. He had some hits and the guy had some fucking bars. The guy could spit some shit. You can't tell me the slaughterhouse shit was all trash, the fucking guy can spit.


So for you to just dismiss everything shows what a little salty bitch you are, and that's maybe why you're singing about all these fucking girls who did you wrong, because you're too stupid to just maybe go to church and find a girl I don't know how. About you do some self-reflection instead of shitting on all over Joe Budden, because he chose a different career path, because he didn't want to deal with what you're dealing with, or he just wasn't as good as you, it's okay. It's okay for him to not be as good as you. That doesn't mean he quit. For you to call him a quitter is bullshit too. He found a different lane. He found a different lane that was going to be more successful for him. So to call him a quitter is fucking a bitch ass move.


So I'm down on Drake. I'm down on Drake. Got some bullshit right there. I don't like Joe Budden and I'm fucking siding with him in this shit. That tells you how much Drake is wrong.


The guy has a fucking podcast where he talks about hip hop. What the fuck do you expect him to do? Now, it was totally hypocritical when he was talking about you fucking 25 year olds. Yes, agreed, 100%. Joe Budden has the worst fucking track record when it comes to females, and who knows how many young chicks he's run through. So that was bullshit. So we can call him out on that, if anything, call him out on that, but don't do all the other extra shit and get all in your.


Drake. Did you talk to a bitch? Did the fucking? Did you get the jab and the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the? The program was so bad Cause it's real cool, cause that should happen before. Well, no, I guess your response was after that. So maybe Drake's part zombie now, maybe maybe his fucking jab and the tone that they sent out on the 5g networks Turned into a half made bitch, because that's what he's acting like. So go ahead and defend it, you fucking simps. Whatever Catch you Next time. Random Rick's Podcast. We're back. I'm coming back as soon as I can, hopefully next week. See you then.

Zombie Apocalypse and Conspiracy Theories
Patriots, Joe Rogan, and Drake's Album
Critique of Drake's Recent Album
Discussion About Drake's Behavior and Vaccination