Voces For Change

In Puerto Rico, Casa Pueblo leads an "energy insurrection" to promote energy self-sufficiency

Maria Peña/Arturo Massol-Deya Episode 2

In this Spanish-language podcast, we talk with Arturo Massol-Deya, an environmental activist with Casa Pueblo, who is leading the charge in Puerto Rico to promote the use of solar panels and reduce environmental pollution driven by fossil fuels. After hurricane "Maria" made landfall in September of 2017, practically the whole island went dark. But    Casa Pueblo, nestled in Adjuntas, was the only place where people could recharge their phones, medical equipment, and. other electrical devices. Massol-Deya argues that solar panels are a good investment, because, based on what happened in Puerto Rico, outages are actually costlier in terms of loss of lives and economic productivity.