Voces For Change

Guatemalan artist Luis De Leon: Art can be a catalyst for personal and societal change

June 08, 2020 Maria Peña / Luis De León Episode 4

In episode #4, I interview Luis De León, an investigative reporter turned artist, who set down roots in Louisville, Kentucky, after fleeing death threats in Guatemala in 2009. Through his simple drawings he reflects on complex social issues, including the massive street protests against police brutality, and the recent killing of Breonna Taylor, an African American EMT killed by police in error during a drug sting operation in Louisville. One of his drawings very graphically shows an AK-47 next to a silhouette of a dead man in a pool of blood, which brought back traumatic memories from his younger years in Guatemala. He talks about his hopes and fears, and encourages young people to pursue their dreams and to be compassionate. 
De Leon is a firm believer in art as a catalyst for change, both personal and societal.