Voces For Change

Activist Cristina Jiménez: Rep. John Lewis´ legacy lives on through the fight for immigration reform

Maria Peña/ Cristina Jiménez, United We Dream Episode 9

In episode 9 of Voces For Change, Cristina Jiménez, co-founder and executive director of United We Dream talks about the passing of Rep. John Lewis, an icon of the 1960´s civil rights movement, his legacy and his impact on the immigrant rights movement of today. Lewis often shared his experiences as an African American activist fighting for civil rights with Dreamer activists like Cristina, and he supported comprehensive immigration reform. 
When speaking to reporters or speaking out during a hearing on the Hill, the Georgia congressman often liked to say that it didn´t matter how people came to the U.S. because "we´re now in the same boat." 
Cristina reflects on his words and his body of work, and how his legacy lives on through the fight for immigration reform and social justice.