Voces For Change

Latinos are more motivated to vote in 2020, and Trump is not the only factor

Maria Peña/ Helena Olea Episode 13

In this episode, I interview Helena Olea, a international human rights lawyer and currently an Associate Director for Programs at Alianza Americas, a Hispanic advocacy group in Chicago (Illinois), about the current landscape for the Latino vote in 2020. 
Around 32 million Hispanics are eligible to vote this year, and it´s a fact that´s not lost on Biden´s and Trump´s campaigns, as they´re both courting Hispanics aggressively through radio and TV ads and surrogates.
Helena argues that Hispanics have now had almost four years of Trump´s policies and they´re motivated to head to the polls, driven by his immigration crackdown, the pandemic, and high unemployment, among many bread and butter issues. 
Hispanics are revved up but many still lack information about voter registration and, in the midst of the pandemic, how to vote by email, so that´s one area many groups like Alianza Americas are now aggressively targeting.