Voces For Change

There´s a shortage of poll workers this year and that can spell trouble in November. Activists are doing something about it.

August 17, 2020 Maria Peña/ Erika Sutherland Episode 14

In episode 14, Dr. Erika Sutherland, an Associate Professor in Spanish at Muhlenberg College, in Allentown (Pennsylvania),  speaks about her efforts to train bilingual poll workers to help Latino voters at the polling stations. 
There´s an alarming shortage of poll workers worsened by this year´s COVID-19 pandemic. But that´s not the only hurdle voters are facing this year: in addition to long lines and delays, activists fear voter intimidation and suppression, and unprecedented delays in getting and sending mail-in ballots.
The US Postal System, led by a Trump supporter, has adopted controversial cost-cutting measures that, according to Sutherland and other experts, can spell trouble at the ballot box. Sutherland, who´s also worked as a poll worker in the past, is training bilingual workers so Latino voters can get the help they need in November.