Weiss Advice

Residential Assisted Living with Loe Hornbuckle

Yonah Weiss Episode 101

Loe Hornbuckle, CEO - Sage Oak Assisted Living & Co-Founder Goodhorn Capital. Loe has been a real estate investor for many years. Not only is he an investor, but he is also a real estate developer. His focus is on Residential Assisted Living (RAL), a whole other asset class similar to multifamily. He is committed to providing the best possible outcomes for society's most vulnerable members.


[00:01 – 07:30] Opening Segment

  • I introduce and welcome our guest, Loe Hornbuckle
  • Loe talks about his background
    • How his career began
    • The story of getting his real estate bug

[07:31 – 26:32] Residential Assisted Living

  • Loe talks about why he dived into the assisted living industry
  • Loe talks about his work as a developer
  • What it takes to be in the assisted living industry

[26:33 – 34:31] THE FINAL FOUR

  • What's the worst job that you ever had?
    • In high school, my mother was in the hospital business. I used to deliver code blue pumps.
  • What's a book you've read that has given you a paradigm shift?
  • What is a skill or talent that you would like to learn?
    • Get better at Microsoft Excel
  • What does success mean to you?
    • Being able to control your time
  • Connect with Loe. See the links below.


Tweetable Quotes:

"Focus on things that [you] can actually do." – Loe Hornbuckle

"If you can really focus on what you're passionate about, what you love, I think that's success." – Loe Hornbuckle


Connect with Loe on https://goodhorncapital.com/

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