Jefferson County Alabama: Podcast for the People
This is a podcast for the citizens of Jefferson County Alabama to help inform them about issues and happenings in and around their county government. It's meant to inform and take a deeper look into the information provided on our social media channels. It's how you get the meat between the tweets!
Jefferson County Alabama: Podcast for the People
Episode 9 - Board of Equalization - Why They Serve with Maria Knight
Jefferson County
The Board of Equalization is responsible for valuing fair and equitably all taxable real property in Jefferson County, to notify tax payers of valuation increases and to hear and decide protests and to defend established values in court. In this episode we talk with Maria Knight, Chairman of the Board of Equalization on "Why she Serves" in her role with Jefferson County and the importance of her department and position.
For more information the Board of Equalization or any questions regarding your property log on to www.boe.jccal.org, email boe@jccal.org or call 205-325-5566 Mon-Fri from 8am to 5pm.
Have an idea for a County podcast? Contact the Director of Public Information, Helen Hays at haysh@jccal.org