Jefferson County Alabama: Podcast for the People
Jefferson County Alabama: Podcast for the People
Season 3: Episode 1: Electronics Drop Off Day Coming Up!
Did you get a new TV, computer, coffee pot, or whatever for Christmas? Here's how and when to dispose of old electronics and paper on Jan. 28 at the Birmingham Zoo. Hana Berres, education training coordinator, for our Stormwater Program talks about what you can bring to this FREE event. Every electronic item is recycled and paper is shredded on site. We also have 3 community cleanups on MLK Day and Hana explains why these events are so important and how you can get one in your community. If you have questions please contact the department at 205-325-8741. And, additional information can always be found on our Keep It Clean JeffCo page! #keepitcleanjeffco.
Have an idea for a County podcast? Contact the Director of Public Information, Helen Hays at haysh@jccal.org