Jefferson County Alabama: Podcast for the People
This is a podcast for the citizens of Jefferson County Alabama to help inform them about issues and happenings in and around their county government. It's meant to inform and take a deeper look into the information provided on our social media channels. It's how you get the meat between the tweets!
Jefferson County Alabama: Podcast for the People
Episode 22: All About Property Tax
Jefferson County
Three different offices are involved in Property Taxes. We brought them all together to explain the process.
- Board of Equalization: Evaluates property according to state laws and sends notices to residents about changes in property valuation. Contact: BOE@jccal.org or call, Bham office at 205-325-5566 or Bessemer office at 205-481-4120.
- Tax Collector: Send tax notices and collects property tax payments. Contact: 205-325-5500.
- Tax Assessor: Can help with tax exemptions if you are over 65 and/or medically disabled. Contact: Bham office at 205-325-5505; Bessemer office at 205-481-4126.
Link to the BOE website: https://www.jccal.org/Default.asp?ID=245&pg=Board+of+Equalization
Have an idea for a County podcast? Contact the Director of Public Information, Helen Hays at haysh@jccal.org