Your Turn To Fly

How To Build Your Personal Brand with Grace, Ease and Joy; with Tiffany Carter, EP 8

July 14, 2020 Thor Challgren

In this episode, business coach Tiffany Carter reveals how you can build a personal brand around who you are, and what value you bring to the world.

Tiffany is a former TV newscaster, multi-millionaire entrepreneur, moneymaking expert, and host of the top podcast, ProjectME with Tiffany Carter.

Whether you work for a company, or you have a dream to start your own business, you’ll find tremendous value from Tiffany’s insights on how to thrive during change and uncertainty.

Tiffany is someone is walks the walk, and she’s one of my favorite no-nonsense people, who inspires me to achieve more, and still find the joy and happiness along the way.

To get you started on your journey to leading your Most Exceptional life, Tiffany created a free ProjectME Pocket Guide: 5 Steps to Creating Financial Freedom, available on her website at 

We refer to a recent episode of Tiffany's podcast: Is Fear Paralyzing You from Going All-In On Your Dreams? Learn How to Set Yourself Free EP215

More On Tiffany Carter

Instagram: @projectme_with_tiffany
Facebook: @projectmewithtiffany
YouTube: ProjectME TV with Tiffany Carter

More On Thor

On Instagram: @thorchallgren

Thanks for listening!

Tiffany Carter takes the mystery out of making BIG money while doing something you love. She uses a magnetic combination of her clear-cut communication style that she developed as a TV news broadcaster for NBC and CBS, her business savvy and proven strategies as a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, and her intuitive ability to connect with women on a deeper level, to uncover what’s blocking you from achieving your dream life. 

She’s a passionate female empowerment speaker and marketing sales specialist, responsible for more than a hundred million dollars in sales transactions. Tiffany's zones of genius are helping women become financially free, through education, empowerment, and proven straightforward business strategies. 

This multi-millionaire entrepreneur went from a life of self-destruction to success, from abuse to abundance, despite the odds being entirely against her. Tiffany’s mission runs deeper than helping women create wealth; her bigger purpose is to help women find their worth. 

Low self-worth = Low net-worth 

High self-worth = High net-worth 

The name ProjectME came to Tiffany while recovering from spine surgery ten years ago (first time she took time for herself!). Tiffany spent years masking deeply buried pain by compulsively exercising (hence the spine surgery), and working to the point of emotional, spiritual, and physical bankruptcy. Four years ago, a broken Tiffany, finally surrendered to the God of her understanding, and begged the Universe for help. She was finally ready to face the buried demons of her past. For the first time, she felt light, free, with a renewed sense of purpose.